If democrats are so concerned about the working class, let’s ponder this one example of how they have not corrected something that should be easy. Why do servers (Waiters and waitresses) get short changed on the minimum wage issue? It is lame to say they don’t get minimum wage because they also earn tips. Their tips are rewards given to them from their customers for doing a good job. What do their tips have to do with what their employers are paying them? What they earn hourly or salaried should have nothing to do with customer satisfaction and the tips rewarded thereof. I am not suggesting that servers are not worth more than minimum wage, but I am saying that they should at least get the minimum wage plus their tips! If minimum wage is the legal standard, let’s give it to the thousands of servers across America as well. Hands off their tips, that should be one of the perks of a hard frustrating job.
If democrats, or republicans for that matter, think tips should be counted as part of a pay check, then perhaps it should not be legal for people like Hillary Clinton to receive millions of dollars for private speeches, either because she was Secretary of State, or because she was First Lady, or even because she is a Presidential candidate.
Finally, employers should not make servers split tips if they do not all agree to that system. Splitting tips is a sure way for lazy servers to get more than what they deserve, while stellar workers get cheated out of their hard work and dynamic customer service! It also does not say much for your customer who just put down some cold hard cash for an employee they thought was great, only to learn that Danny do-nothing gets part of the booty!
I talked to several servers before blogging on this subject. The Hillary analogy is free of charge. No tips necessary.
Mark Damon