The D.N.C. Night Two: The Mask is off! Bill Clinton’s Real Hillary. The Four days of Halloween Continue.

I am writing this blog while listening to the great Randy Travis, and I must say, it’s so much better than Alicia Key’s gun control ditty. Alicia tells all of us that we can’t claim that we are the home of the brave until we do something about gun violence. Really? Really? What does she know about the concept of bravery? Her very allegiance to the Democratic party and their anti-constitutional platform reveals that she knows very little about the sacrifices made by brave men and women all over this country. It is time that the home of the brave vote these corrupt change agents completely out of office, and forever, until they come to a realization of what made this country great. Diversity does not make us great, Unity makes us great, and unity is not possible when people are trying to trash the Constitution, our God, our great American values and precious institutions. Bernie Sander supporters really need to see the movie Hillary’s America to get the real story of the Democratic party and the Clinton machine.

Bill Clinton Removes The Mask So We Can See The Real Hillary Clinton:

Bill Clinton brought us all a kinder, gentler Hillary. The woman he fell in love with, the woman he asked to marry him repeatedly, and the woman on a mission to help women and children. Bill left out how he pursued other women sexually while leaving her alone in the white house. He left out how many of those women were not interested in his advances and some even claimed deep sexual harassment, indecent exposure, and even rape. Where was Hillary while Bill was expressing his love for her? Let’s see, Hillary was standing up for women’s rights in vigorous defense of her hubby Bill. Maybe Bill meant to say that their loyalty to each other was what was strong instead of love?

The trouble with Bill Clinton’s touching story is that he left out all the R-Rated content, and the NC-17 as well, let alone the adult content. He left out all the scenes of corruption and all the sneaky antics Bill and Hillary allegedly engaged in when they left after their first visit to the people’s house. Bill Clinton tried his best to pull the mask off of Hillary and reveal a caring, loving woman. There is only one problem with Bill Clinton’s presentation. Bill Clinton was still wearing his mask while claiming Hillary’s was absent. I assure you my fellow Americans, Bill and Hillary are still wearing their masks, and you are still being tricked. An Oprah Winfrey moment with Bill Clinton will not keep America from falling, and if America falls because of these disingenuous democratic leaders, then we will all have an Oprah Winfrey moment, complete with millions of people weeping all over America!

Was I watching the Academy Awards or The D.N.C? 

After Keys sang her gun control song, the big screen above flashed a series of leaders in history, ending with Barack Obama and then followed by good ole Hillary, who comes up on the screen to greet her guests. Hillary tells little girls all over America that she got the nomination and that she might be elected, then she tells them that they could be next! What she did not tell those little American girls, is that if she (Hillary) gets elected, and people get elected that are like her, is that America may not need any future leaders because America may no longer exist. Rush Limbaugh is wrong when he says America will always be here. That is, historically speaking, false. The wrong people can truly destroy this country and they are doing it piece by piece. Countries that do not recognize their impending demise often fall, and have. America is not immune to that fate, especially, when our greatness was once defined much more differently than the democratic leaders define it today.

The democratic National Convention was a flashy pop-culture show last night. Pop-culture is running for President in Hillary Clinton, but unfortunately, no leader that cares about the future of America’s people is running in the democratic party for President of the United States.

The treats that the democratic speakers keep promising are going to run out, and when they do, people will be left holding an empty bag and an empty future.

Happy Halloween,

Mark Damon