America has lost two Kings and a Prince

When I think of Prince, I think of the film Purple Rain, and I would imagine that people who were not fans of his, probably do the same, but for millions of fans, I am sure that there are many things about him, that come to mind. I can say however, that not being a fan of Prince, does not limit me to writing about what people are feeling, because I have been there. In fact, I still visit that place where fans go, to honor their favorite icons. We go there through their music, their videos, and within the depths of our hearts. If I could rent a time machine, one of the things I would do, is to go get some tickets and see my favorite musical icon, in all his musical splendor. I probably would see him in Hawaii, at the ground breaking satellite broadcast, where Elvis Presley touched millions of his fans that night, and is still doing so today, through that incredible show!

A few years ago, many years after the King of Rock and Roll had passed, Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, left this world in a surprise departure, that left millions of fans, shocked and heartbroken. When you are famous, it seems that dying young, is often a common condition of living in that spotlight. The late great Hank Williams, is yet another celebrated icon, that died at the age of 29.

The real lesson to be learned from all of this is simple, How we live our lives is more precious than fame, because fame is fleeting and eventually, begins to fade. Life on the other hand, continues on, in another form, and it’s called eternity. No matter how great one is or how small, death shall visit all of us at one time or another. All the money and fame in the world, cannot escape the icy hands of death, and as we mourn the short lives of some of the greatest entertainers in the world, we should contemplate our own mortality, and the essential importance of our own personal morality, for death is just around the corner and it’s coming in for the kill. It is far best to concentrate on preparing ourselves for eternity, than the few minutes we are here on earth.   

We will continue to honor our Kings and the recent passing of our Prince, but remember, where you are going in the end, is so much more important than where you have been, or where you are now.

Goodbye Prince, I hope you are embraced by the King, and I sincerely hope, that you see Elvis, Michael, and Hank when you get there as well!   

Mark Damon