When I attended Shania Twain’s concert last year in Louisville, I had no idea then, that one of my favorite songs of hers, would be a parody title for an up-coming blog! Here I am though, reporting on a culture that has lost much of its commonsense! Commonsense, like so many other human traits, appear to be headed for extinction. I want it understood right away, that this is not a blog about the transgender controversy. It is instead, a blog about protecting Women from more undue attention. What group of geniuses does not understand the dire implications for a new right that endangers the rights of a much larger class? Do we now assign rights for some, with no regard for the rights of others? Some people have suggested that the standards of this law, could be applied for the way a person feels on any given day.
I can see it now, the construction crew is out in the front of the local store working on something in the lot, only to be mesmerized by the bevy of babes headed into the local department store. “Hey, Bill, what do ya say we have a little fun?” “Let’s hang-out inside after we get off and check out some chicks in the bathroom!” “Yea, good idea, I’m feeling a bit feminine!” Ha, Ha, Ha. Think that’s ridiculous? Apparently, you don’t know some of the dudes I have known. A lot of guys won’t do it that way, they’ll just use the women’s restrooms all the time, all in an effort to get an eyeful. There will be an awful lot of men out there, that will fear no repercussions from doing such a thing, because they know, through decades of political correctness, that very few store managers are going to risk saying one cross word to them, because they know, that these managers will likely fear a lawsuit if they say anything. Now, maybe, some store managers would say something to these opportunists, but for those managers who do possess traditional backbones, some reprobate Judge would just rule against them, only opening the door wider, to endanger the welfare of women.
In this new rights culture, an endeavor to suppress all traditional rights is under way, so it is important that we as Americans, who wish to protect traditional rights, stand-up and be counted, as we are in the tens of millions! Again, this is not an evil plan to suppress those who think they are one sex or the other, for if that’s how they want to live their lives, than that is their choice, but their new rights should not tread upon the rights of millions of fathers who wish to protect their daughters, or sons wanting to protect their mothers, and husbands who want to protect their wives, and even more important, the rights of millions of women, single or married, who use these public restrooms!
For Those who Show no Respect for Traditional Belief Systems:
Religious freedom is one of the reasons that America was founded and yet, there are many people in this country, that would deny this precious right through bully tactics, protests, and boycotts. How can you preach to those who hold these religious beliefs, about Love and Tolerance for your causes, when you don’t even understand the meaning of the words Love and Tolerance yourself? I would like to say to those states that are standing up to protect traditional rights, way to go! Maybe if the groups or individuals mentioned above were not constantly practicing intolerance against Christians and Conservatives, and instead, brought their causes before Christians and Conservatives in a thoughtful, tolerance spirit, instead of this, in your face tirade, a consensus on a solution could be reached, but no, its your way or the highway. Thing is, we are all Americans, and the spirit that most Americans possess, whether they are liberal or conservative, is the “don’t tread on me principle”, so if you push without courtesy, prepare to get pushed back!
New rights should accompany commonsense, so please, let’s bring the concept of commonsense back to the argument, so everyone can be happy. What’s wrong with Men, Women and Unisex? This way, women are protected, transgender people enjoy their complete freedom, and any one else in an undecided mood, can use that restroom placed to the left, right, or in the middle. This is not about transgender preferences, its about the safety of American Women to avoid John in the restroom, so they can use the john in peace!
Listen, if we open this door with no standards attached, there will be more people demanding rights, and some of these things are going to boggle our minds! Don’t think so? Stick around, you’ll see America.
The Biblical Constitution respects and loves all people, the transgender included, please join me in protecting the rights of all people, and not just the in your face push, of a frivolous pop culture crowd.
God Bless you all,
Mark Damon
The preceding blog title was a title parody, of a popular Shania Twain song, and is no way endorsed by Shania Twain, or any companies associated with her music. Title theme and the theme of this blog, which is not the theme of Twain’s song, illustrates what the publisher feels is a aggressive push of popular culture, to promote some human rights, while denying the rights of others. It is the mission of The Biblical Constitution to bring an understanding of truth to the people of the world, while respecting the rights of every man and woman on earth. MD.