Dear President Obama,
Spare us please! I see no tears in relation to your own twisted liberal philosophies. Your philosophies paint a picture of the unborn child as an issue that is above your pay grade. You remember saying that Mr. President? Even though the issue involving unborn children is above your pay grade, I did not see you shed any tears. The reason gun violence is out of control in Chicago is because liberals like you are running Chicago. Do your liberal philosophies make you cry for the deaths they have nurtured? Your like minded scientists tell our children we evolved from Apes, we did not. Have you shed tears over this GODLESS teaching? I think not. Why would children worry about any afterlife, after all, they came from Apes, so there is no GOD and therefore no Judgement, right?
I don’t recall you crying when the Courts removed THE TEN COMMANDMENTS from our public school walls, court yards and class rooms, even though, they sat upon those school walls during the days of our Founders and for countless decades after they were gone. One of the TEN COMMANDMENTS reveal that, thou shall not kill Mr. President. Now of course, Apes are prone to the laws of the jungle, right Mr. President? Liberals like you teach our children that we came from Apes, an absolute unproven teaching. Then you remove an early founding document that tells kids not to kill. Brilliant, are those like you , Mr. President. Are you crying yet about your contribution to the active shooters in America? I think not. I did not see any tears when planned parenthood was caught selling aborted body parts. In fact, you chose to support the funding of this sick, twisted abominable organization. No tears from our vaunted Commander in Chief!
I did not see you cry when a Federal Agent was killed, following the results of your politically motivated Fast and Furious operation, operated and blessed by another like minded lackey named Eric Holder. Why wasn’t the Family of that murdered Federal agent, standing at the podium with you Mr. President? Is it because you have no tears for that agent, for that Family? If you did shed tears for that Family or agent Mr. President, it had to happen behind closed doors, because your Apathy for the rule of law caused that gun death did it not? Yes it did.
You won’t answer to Congress Mr. President, at least I don’t think you will in the form of impeachment, because thus far, Congress has proven they are bright yellow cowards. Mr. President, like all of us, you are a sinner. Like all of us, you will someday answer to GOD for your promotion of sin as a National and World leader. You and over eight billion people are going to find out that we did not come from Apes, but that our complexity screams out the existence of a creator GOD, and he will someday call you to account for promoting National sin policies such as GAY MARRIAGE.
There is so much that like minded people like you have accomplished to devalue morals and life itself within our culture, yet you blame the NRA, commentators like Rush Limbaugh and News organizations like FOX NEWS for all of our ills. Active shooter mayhem can be laid in part, at the door steps of immoral men like you, and old hippies like Bill and Hillary Clinton. If you want to stop Gun violence than rein in the immoral commentaries and diatribes of liberal columnists, Psychiatrists, College Professors, Godless Politicians, Bureaucrats, Judges, Justices, Newspaper editors, Agenda driven Scientists, Network Anchors and anyone else that has forgotten what America was and who we were as a people.
I am not calling on a law to stifle free speech, I’m just letting you know where all the gun violence and active shooters are emerging from. They have been created by all of you immoral sin filled reprobates!
I can tell you how to stop all of the gun violence Mr. President. If you possessed all of the guns in America Mr. President, violence would not stop, because people like you are running the engine of that violence. Guns have existed on a large scale since our founding Mr. President. Kids have gone from chewing gum in a classroom to murdering classmates. Are guns to blame for this Mr. President or has something else changed? You talk about common sense gun laws Mr. President, but I submit we need people in charge of our schools, our Government, our Universities, our Courts and our News agencies with common sense.
Call upon me for a meeting if you want to review my plan to seriously start effecting the end of gun violence. My plan will begin to heal America far before your plan will. In fact, your plan to progressively ban all firearms like other Countries you admire, will not end violence, it will redirect it. One day, as proven throughout history, it could be the Government using guns against a disarmed people. This may not happen on the day all of the people’s guns are collected, or the day after, next week, or the following year, but someday, history would repeat itself, as some of us are doing now with our incredible ignorance.
I don’t know what oppressive plans you may have for the American people Mr. President, I just hope that before you succeed with anymore of your damaging agenda and bankrupt philosophies, that a yellow bellied Congress will have the strength to impeach you if necessary, or America may become the land of the desolate and home of despair.
I will pray for you Mr. President, no I mean it, that you should obtain wisdom and embrace repentance for the remaining of your Presidency. What a legacy you would leave and an shinning example for our children you would be, if you would embrace ancient morality and tender it with humility.
If you would do that Mr. President, I would praise any tears streaming down your cheek.
Sincerely willing to help solve this violence problem with you in the right way,
Mark Damon