I have listened to Rush Limbaugh off and on since 1988. Many times I have agreed with him on various issues, while other times I have disagreed. Lately, I have listened to him more often, due to this unusual election season. I have heard him say that he has played golf with Presidential candidate Donald Trump, and that he has had Megyn Kelly over for dinner, and that he knows her in a casual way. I have heard Rush Limbaugh say lately, that conservatism would be the answer to all of our problems, and even though I don’t believe that for one minute, I will concede that Rush believes that is true. I have also heard Rush say that he is not coming out in support of Donald Trump on many occasions, at least during his recent commentaries, I do not know who he really supports now, but I do know one thing, perception is a powerful thing. Take the case of Donald Trump. Many people think that when Donald says he is going to make America great again, they perceive this to mean, that he will be taking the country back from the extreme left. Also, when people hear Rush Limbaugh make excuses for Donald Trump nearly every day , they perceive that Rush is rather fond of this candidate, right or wrong. Then, when millions hear Rush say he knows Megyn Kelly casually, and he tells people that he thinks she is a good person, I wonder if they felt the way I did when he said it? But- – – – – –
I think compared to Trump, Limbaugh’s lukewarm defense of Kelly was pathetic. Megyn Kelly did not ask Trump a hard question, and compared to Trump’s insults of various individuals, including her, Megyn Kelly was courteous. Rush Limbaugh’s perceived defenses of Trump may have very well helped Trump in his Presidential quest. I realize millions of people are fed up, and you can include me in those millions. In fact, at the beginning, I considered supporting Trump over that bastion of honesty, Hillary Clinton. I would not vote for Clinton under any circumstances, but I was finished with Trump after he called Megyn Kelly a bimbo, and when he skipped one of the debates on Fox. What baffles me is Limbaugh’s confidence that Trump will govern right, or at least not Hillary left. An Authoritarian, if that’s what Trump is, when coupled with ego and vast arrogance, mixed with the fact that Trump likes to be praised by people, could translate to a leader, who may govern depending on suggestions from people he likes best.
Limbaugh’s position of supporting conservatism for 27 years or whatever length of time it was, may be seriously questioned, especially, if his audience feels his excuses helped to get Trump elected, and if Trump governs hard left. Even if Limbaugh’s excuses did not add that many more supporters to Trumps current Juggernaut, this may hurt Limbaugh’s credibility with his audience if Trump turns and switches back to hard left positions. Combine all this with a Justice waiting to be confirmed, with the First and Second Amendments hanging by a thread, at the hands of some left wing ideologue, and a lot of people are going to be angry at Limbaugh. I was. A few years ago, I don’t really remember how long it has been now, but when Limbaugh invited entertainer Elton John to play at his wedding, I felt rather betrayed. I did not feel this way, along with many others, because Elton was gay, but because Rush would slam liberals on a daily basis, and because he had claimed in one of his books that America needed more God. It was the beliefs of his audience and the reflection of those beliefs in Limbaugh, along with his talent, that propelled him to success. His audience, at least the ones who were offended, were Limbaugh’s investors, and he had let us down. When the Dixie Chicks talked against our President in another country, I was finished with them, and I was a very big fan of theirs, I did not buy any more of their music, but retained what I had. I believe the Dixie Chicks had a right to say the things they did under the First Amendment, and I had the right to protest what they said by boycotting their music. Likewise, I boycotted Rush for some time, because he courted a liberal entertainer that had said Jesus was gay. Elton John is a super talented entertainer, but he knew such a statement would inflame a good part of this Nation, if not the world, and Limbaugh should have known, that he would be viewed by many as a hypocrite, I guess he sees no parallel in this situation either.
I have wondered if Rush has been rejecting some of his principals for some time, and maybe he is not, but I do believe he keeps making short sighted mistakes. Could this be because conservatism is not the answer, and that such an ideology must be backed up by strong moral Christian principles? Christianity is not an ideology or a concept, it is an active, REAL POWER. Our Founding Fathers had an understanding of this truth, but I do not believe Limbaugh understands it, and this is why we are losing. We have abandoned God and his real power, and most of our modern Churches have done the same. You do not get results by self absorption and blind pride like I believe Limbaugh has, with such proclamations such as, “Don’t doubt me, I am right 98% of the time, or is it 99.9?. Who cares, humility before God is what brings power in your argument, not to your argument, and the result is miracles, just ask the Founding Fathers, it’s in their writings.
Bret Stevens, via the Wall Street Journal, recently touched on the subject of Limbaugh’s influence in regards to this election and I believe he made some good points as well. Actually, his article focused on declining support or recent criticism from Limbaugh and Mark Levin on the subject of Donald Trump, pointing out, and asking, where were these men in the beginning when criticism was needed, although Mr. Stevens put it, in another way. I cannot comment on anything in regards to Mr. Levin, because I have not listened to him for sometime, except that, if what Mr. Stevens is correct in his view concerning Mr. Levin’s past positions regarding Trump, I would say that a greater understanding of Founding principals are needed among the people, in regards to God’s original blessings upon America, and the power thereof, and not just an understanding of the words on the document that we call the Constitution.
We are perilously close to losing our republic. Mr. Stevens, I am totally unaware of your politics, but thank you for adding something to a discussion, that needed to be addressed.
Mark Damon