A Tribute to the great work of Dinesh D’Souza, and a Question for the L.G.B.T.Q. Community

To The L.G.B.T.Q Community first:

Do you consider the democratic party your friends? Do you think they are standing with you, watching out for you? Do they LOVE you? No really, do they LOVE you? Do they really agree with the life-style you have chosen or born within your being? I want you to know something. You are not LOVED by them and you are being deceived. Did you know that all true Christians ARE ORDERED TO LOVE YOU whether they agree with your life-style or not? That’s true, True Christianity demands that Christians not only LOVE you, but tell you the truth. You may not agree with what Christians have to say about homosexuality, but they are commanded to LOVE you regardless of their view. Do people agree on any two things? No really do they? Hey, I LOVE you. That’s why I am warning you that the Father of lies is controlling the party you are likely voting for. He (Satan) does not love you and neither do his disciples. Whether you feel your life style is sin or LOVE is not the issue. WE ALL SIN, that’s you and me. That’s heterosexuals and homosexuals.

If the democratic party is the platform of your liberty, than why are they bringing in people that hate you? Forty nine Americans died at the hands of an Islamic radical recently, and the party of L.G.B.T.Q freedom wants to bring more Islamic refugees into America? We have no way of knowing who these people are or what they believe. We do know that very few of them are Christians. The democratic leadership argue that these lone killers or even groups of killers are radicalized people that distort Islam. Is Islam tolerate of the L.G.B.T.Q. community? Are they commanded to LOVE you if they disagree with your life style?

It is a well known fact that many Muslim nations consider being Gay punishable by death. Tell me, do these nations that view being gay as a crime punishable by death have a few radicals in control of their government, or is it the majority view in those nations? I suppose this could be the Muslim governments administering such a law and many of the people might disagree with it, kinda like Abortion in America, but do we know that to be true?

The Democratic leadership is using the Muslim religion, Police, and Black Lives Matter, like they use other groups:

This is not a blog about the Muslim religion, as I know there are millions of good Muslim Americans and millions of great Muslims around the world. This is a blog that makes a series of valid points along the same lines used in D’Souza’s movie, Hillary’s America. You are being deceived my fellow Americans.

The democratic leadership are using everyone, including Muslims. Does the democratic leadership look like a party that embraces a God of any religion? Think about it. The democratic party is using every last one of us, pitting us all against each other, to bring about their little elitist Utopia. A vote for the democratic leadership in this nation is a vote against liberty, safety, well being and ESPECIALLY all religions. The democratic leadership not only uses social, cultural and political groups to seed their power, but religious groups as well. Right now, they are using Muslims to make excuses for killers that have nothing to do with good and peaceful Muslims all over the world, because they see an opportunity to further the advancement of their gun control agenda. They are doing the same thing with the Black Lives Matter movement and now even the Police.

They prop-up both sides against each other and then play us all. They want to disarm us and make us subjects. They miss their slaves! They miss their slaves! They miss their slaves! They want people at their feet again!

This was a little extra tribute to your movie Mr. D’Souza, thank you for doing something that had to take courage, especially after what you have already been through.

Wake up everyone. The sun is going down. We are accelerating into outer darkness. Come back to Almighty God.

Mark Damon