God promised never again to bring forth a world wide flood, so that threat is over. I know that a world wide flood took place, because I can clearly see the evidence, and I hope to reveal more of that evidence to others as I move forward with this site. The evidence for a world wide flood is really good, its just that most people believe popular culture’s explanation for everything. Sometimes, you have to engage your own mind and think for yourself, instead of allowing others to do your thinking for you. Actors, talk show hosts, musicians, and yes, even Scientists, are fallible people. I don’t expect any of you to take this blogger’s word for anything either, just please start looking at the evidence. Start with the mountains or the forests, or the flat lands and the mighty seas, and the evidence is clearly there. After you look at the evidence for a world wide flood, start thinking about the absurdity of evolution, and don’t start your questioning of the issue, at the foot of an ape, look into it closely from a cause and effect proposition.
Some of you may think that the concept of a Creator God, is more ridiculous than a natural series of processes called evolution, but hey, a blog is coming, I have taken my own advise, I have done my own thinking and research. In fact, I am so sure evolution is pure folly, that I am going to challenge Bill Nye, the Science guy, to a new debate. I will gladly open this site up to him as a guest blogger, or I will debate him in the way Kim Ham did. I have nothing to fear in debating a well known scientist, because I am searching for the truth, and that is the starting point of all real science. He is also welcome to ignore my challenge, but I will still publish my opinion on the subject. My upcoming positions against evolution, are going to contain many argumentative differences from past evolution negatives and creation positives, so stay tuned.
On July 7 of this year, Ham will present a symbol of God’s wrath to come, for a fallen sinful world to see. I think Ken Ham is a vessel that God is using, whether he is aware of it or not, to warn the world of God’s next major Judgement. I believe that the next Biblical event on the horizon, is the rapture of the Church. I will not set a date because scripture is clear that no ones knows the day or the hour, but I do believe the day is in the not too distant future. It could happen before Ham’s Ark is finished, but I don’t think it will, because God wants more to step onto the narrow way, and step off the broad way to destruction, that the Bible warns us all about. The rapture may be many years away yet, but evidence does suggest, that it will not be long. The rapture is God’s modern Ark for this age, and the contemporary times we are now passing through, are starting to mirror the days of Noah.
I believe that Ken Ham’s wonderful Ark is a testimony to the truth of Genesis and the inspired true word of God, and I also believe that that is one of the reasons he is building it. I don’t want to speak for Ham, but I believe that to be so. It cannot be understated though, that the Ark serves as a Warning from God, about the horrible human tribulation to come.
I am not sure about the exhibits that will be displayed in Ham’s Ark, but I feel they will inspire many people, including me. Cyrptozoology is one of the pursuits that I will endeavor to cover in this blog. I believe all creatures are created and evolution is folly. I think Ken Ham should include a display that features something like a cyrpto-hall, with a sub caption that reads: If it is here among us, it was created by God. This way, if big foot is ever actually discovered, Ham has already covered that which is possible, and the secular scientists, cannot use such a discovery, in an attempt to throw theoretical stones at the Ark, even though, such a discovery does not conflict with God’s word. I have already stated that I think if big foot does exist, it is the giant ape, gigantopithecus or a related animal. I think that adding this addition to the ark would jump far ahead of any future scoffers.
The Ark is Ham’s project and not the brilliance of the Biblical Constitution, so whatever is on the Ark, I am sure it will be grand! My mission is to bring you the truth. Biblical Ark History is real history. So, go see this homage of God’s past wrath and mercy, and ponder the alarm ringing loudly, for the future.
You can climb aboard God’s next Ark by giving your life over to Jesus Christ. The word of God tells you how to give your life over to his son, (and to him) by reading and believing God’s word in Romans chapter 10, versus 9 and 10. After you do this and you are saved, it will be Christ that catches you away from this world. It is that simple. The rapture of the body of Christ, is God’s next Ark of safety, from the coming horrors of this world.
The following scriptures reveal the truth of the rapture (the Ark of safety) and the warning of a return, to the days of Noah.
“But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be”. (Matthew 24, verses 37-39-KJV).
The reference above, points out that there will be a time that is similar to the past days of Noah. I believe that we are experiencing the birth pangs of a return to a time similar to the days of Noah. When commentators tell you that the world has been far darker than it is today, they do not take into account the lights that burned during that darkness. By lights, I mean pockets of spiritual goodness throughout the world. Spiritual goodness is beginning to fade among all nations as a whole, and the lights are quickly going out all over the world. America has always been a force for good throughout the world, but we are embracing darkness and deception at an accelerated pace. Spiritual darkness does not always bring about barbaric darkness (even though that is coming under the Antichrist) and violence, but spiritual darkness can be deception as well, and it can seriously degrade a nation in various ways. America has adopted a disturbing trend over the years that now is beginning to accelerate, and that is in the way our nation is embracing sins as national policy. These new and dangerous actions among our leaders, with the blessing of much of the population, has gotten us perilously close, to a return to the ancient days of Noah.
“For the Lord himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout, with voice of the arch angel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words”. (1 Thessalonians 4, verses 16-18-KJV).
“For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ”. (1 Thessalonians 5, verse 9-KJV).
These verses are akin to a new type of escape, and in Christian culture, it is often referred to as the rapture, but it is a method of departure from this earth through God (Jesus Christ), by which all Christians may escape the coming horrors of this world. Some people may tell you that this is simply not true, because Christians have been persecuted and murdered throughout history. Yes, that is true, but look at 1 Thessalonians, chapter 5, verse 9. There you will find the word wrath. This is not about escaping from persecution at the hands of people, but it is a clear reference to providing an escape from the Wrath of God (such as in the days of the flood). God, is providing a new ark (Jesus Christ) so that people that have previously accepted Jesus Christ will not be in this world. Ken Ham’s ARK is as much a warning to the world, as it is a teaching tool for the validity for the book of Genesis, and the Bible as a whole!
I strongly recommend that you visit The Ark Encounter on July 7, and then start thinking for yourself. A return to the days of Noah is accelerating faster than the seasons now. Please get on the second real ark in history, after you visit the one paying tribute to God’s word. Better yet, go to Romans chapter 10, and read verses 9 and 10 and prepare to leave this world, for that day of departure is getting closer, and you will not want to miss your flight! There is no doubt that the world is accelerating toward evil, America included, and God will judge this world and the people within it, as he has demonstrated many times before.
Get on the Ark!
God bless America, we need it.
Mark Damon