No Trumpet Sounding at Tonight’s Debate, Buying Rush and Receiving Trump Change, and a Vote for Megyn Kelly.

Donald Trump lost my vote today. Rush Limbaugh disengaged my literary restraint in regards to him today, I agreed with John McCain in a rare instance today, and I’ve come to defend a Woman who did not ask me to, and surely does not need me to, but enough is enough! First, how I agreed with John McCain. Rush Limbaugh played a soundbite of McCain today. McCain pointed out that he wished that Trump would not have went out to support the troops today, in the midst of a political stunt. Although, these were not McCain’s exact words, they were my thoughts before I heard him say it. Our service people are heroes for what they do, but they deserve better than a loud Trumpet making noise to hurt Fox. Rush Limbaugh is quick to point out that he is not supporting Trump, so, let’s not misunderstand Rush Limbaugh, oh no, the conservative King of talk radio is not supporting Trump, he’s just been making excuses for him for the last several months, for anything and everything Trump does or says!

I will get back to Rush Limbaugh in due time, first let me say a few things about Donald Trump. Consider this an open letter to all parties involved. It can be read, reprinted, and shouted from a mountain top, because frankly, I’m sick of a few things. I think it is great Trump is skipping the debate. Instead of insults to the other candidates and pointing out their short comings, while revealing his own lack of substance in his answers, grounded in delicious reality TV fashion, maybe the real candidates, and possibly conservative ones, can focus on the issues. Maybe Megyn will talk about Trump tonight until this hypocrite drops out of the race, and Americans can then come to their senses. I know one thing, I am beyond tired of hearing how Trump is going to make America great again. How is Trump going to make America great? Will he call a Woman in an audience somewhere during a town hall meeting a bimbo, if she strongly disagrees with him? Maybe he will say someone is great one day, only to call them names the next? Maybe he will call someone’s wife a bimbo, while he builds his next Casino and places his ads for the Chorus girls he needs? Maybe Trump will criticize another model for posing for magazines that reveal her beauty, or maybe he can ask his wife to do the criticizing, since being a model herself, she will know how to better criticize the next bimbo?

Trump is like a Trumpet without a musical artist. Trump makes a lot of noise, but nothing of any value settles between your ears! Stay with me, switching to Hillary, there is a point here.

I am not going to vote for Hillary Clinton for the following reasons. First, I am unable to vote for Hillary Clinton because I am an informed American. Voting for Hillary would be an act of complete stupidity. Fortunately, I do not allow Rock stars, Hollywood stars, Reality TV stars, brain dead college Professors, or any other icons in our pop culture, instruct me on how to vote, mainly because, most of the time, they are simply wrong. Unfortunately, many people do vote for people like Hillary, for some of the very reasons above. Some people vote for the party they are affiliated with, simply because they have always done so. Some people even vote for someone because they are good looking, and some even vote for someone because someone simply tells them to. Some people, as determined by this Court or that Court, in this State or that State, or maybe in the end by federal decree, vote more than once, because they are not required to produce an ID! Since brilliant lawmakers and other officials bent on swaying elections require no ID for poor people, there are some people voting in our elections, thousands, perhaps millions, that should be voting in their own Country instead of ours. Now, I understand their argument is that poor people cannot afford an ID, but hey, how do they eat? They are required to present ID to get federal benefits, right? Many poor people also get checks from the government, food from the government, housing from the government, loans from the government, but it is too costly for the government to give them a free ID? You bet it is, it may cost corrupt politicians a fair and legal election if poor people have an ID.

You see, this is why I cannot vote for Hillary because she vomits stuff up like this. Complete and total mendacity. The second reason I cannot vote for Hillary is because she encourages all the types of voters above, those voters that vote for all of those pop culture reasons, or the reasons following those reasons. Today, I decided I will no longer cast a vote for Trump either, if he is running against Hillary. I think Donald and Hillary are products of pop culture. One candidate may be worse than the other, and up until today, I was going to hold my nose and vote for Donald, but when Trump abandoned the people’s debate and started calling Megyn Kelly names again, the camel fell to the ground with a broken back. If I skip voting in this election, it will be the first time since I was 18, and I am going on 53. It does not matter to me if he decides to show up tonight either, because his renewed attacks on Megyn Kelly reveal to me, a rich and small little man, with no steel in his backbone.

Now, let’s travel back and write a few words about Rush Limbaugh. I have listened to Rush since 1988. I once was a fan, but in the last few years, I have observed things that have concerned me in regards to Mr. Limbaugh. I never agreed with Rush a hundred percent of the time, but often I did agree with him, in at least, important key beliefs. My first problem with Limbaugh, is that he is deceiving his audience, whether he knows it or not. On January 15, 2016 Rush Limbaugh stated on his program that conservatism is the answer to all of our problems. He went on to say that he has been saying that for 27 years. This is a deception. The problem is, is that much of his audience buys it, I don’t, because I know it is not true. The strength of America was our word covenant with God, and this was not a form of Godly lip service like Limbaugh provides his audience. Despite one of his books, that proclaims America needs more God, and that his talent is on loan from God, another phrase he often uses, whether that’s in jest, or in all seriousness, it is presented not only without power, like our Founders embraced, but with utter hypocrisy.

Rush Limbaugh embraced and hired Elton John to perform at his wedding. Many people, including me, criticized Limbaugh at the time, not just because Elton John was ultra liberal, but because Elton John had made a statement that he thought Jesus was gay. So, if Rush really believed that the Country needs more God, like I heard him say on his audio version of one of his books, why would he then turn around, years later, and hire someone like Elton John to perform at his wedding? I think it is because Limbaugh is more interested in the plethora of soundbites he plays every day, of his own voice, from various news programs and talk venues, than he is at presenting any conservative values, based on our original and Godly foundations. Rush Limbaugh has said it himself, the caller is there to make the host look good, but the caller has a lot of help, the Limbaugh soundbite diatribes sound off constantly, and the deceived listeners keep buying his baseless message.

I heard Limbaugh’s explanation on the radio when he received the backlash over Elton John. When I listened to Rush, he made it sound like all liberals were complaining, but I know this was not the case. I made jokes that the Dixie Chicks would be scheduled for Rush ‘s Anniversary celebration. Rush countered back at his detractors at the time saying, “it was my money”, but he failed to mention that his consumer base, his fans, had been loyally listening to him and buying the beliefs that he was selling, beliefs like ours, principles like ours, and so on. Rush Limbaugh’s success came from his audience, not from his brilliance, but from the very fact, as he puts, reflecting what we the audience, already believed. This is the origin of Limbaugh’s success, and the advertisers and the radio empire that cut his massive checks, came from us, the Limbaugh consumer. He let us, the consumers of the Limbaugh brand, down hard, when he hired a man that said JESUS CHRIST WAS GAY!

Rush Limbaugh claims he is right most of the time, but nothing could be further from the truth. America does not need conservatism, America needs to return to the Foundations from which she came! The only difference between whole secular conservatism and liberal ideology, is that liberalism gets you to the dead end first. We have lost the spirit of who we were, and Limbaugh’s brand does not portray it in any way. Anytime Limbaugh speaks of God, it is in a disconnected lukewarm projection, void of the real power associated with the God of the Bible. If you, as a listener of Limbaugh, have been buying the beliefs that Rush has been selling you for years, where are your goods? Our freedoms are swirling down the toilet, we have a Supreme Court that has found a Constitutional right in gay marriage, the democrats no longer hide their lunacy and most Republican leaders are cowards, so, I ask you. Where has Limbaugh’s conservative influence kept and preserved America?

Rush Limbaugh recently told a caller, concerning the issues we face in America, that he did not have an answer, he also said that it worried him a lot, and then he said, “there is no need to panic yet”. Really, when do we panic Rush? Perhaps you are going to keep selling conservatism as the answer for nearly another 30 years? 

In the meantime, Rush keeps selling a gullible audience more of the same. The difference is this. I see an acceleration of evil beginning and Limbaugh not only does not have the answer, but is in part, part of the acceleration. Why?, because I do not believe that Rush Limbaugh understands what is happening. Mr. Limbaugh, your conservative beliefs are nothing, without our original belief systems. You simply support a flawed, intellectually bankrupt ideology, that without God, is powerless to convert America back to its greatness!

Rush Limbaugh tells us he is not supporting Trump, but this is nonsense, excuse makers are supporters. I believe Rush Limbaugh’s millions is the only thing he cares about, other than hearing his own voice on some pointless media soundbite. Now, Rush keeps selling Trump, he keeps telling his audience that the media is the problem, and in context it is, but this context, when it refers to Trump is wrong. Trump owes an appearance to the American people, not to Fox News, Megyn Kelly or any other individual. If Megyn Kelly was my media inquisitor, I would not whine about any question, but answer it promptly and move on to what I believe needs to be said! A lot like I am doing now. Maybe I should run for President. I believe I could win a debate anytime, anywhere, up against Limbaugh or Trump!

One more thing Mr. Limbaugh. Have you checked to see if the producers of products that you pitch on your program, have had anything to do with planned parenthood, or is this just another Elton John moment?

There it is America. Perhaps now you see I do not just examine liberals here. I am about the truth. I could say a lot more concerning Limbaugh, but I will not do so at this time, other than, are you going to keep buying what Rush is selling or become a positive force on your own? If Rush is your man Mr. and Ms. America, that’s your choice, as for me, I am tired of buying into Limbaugh’s show and getting Trump change in return.  As far as Donald Trump is concerned, Fox news is better off without him.

If Hillary and Donald are the candidates. I will probably write in bugs bunny, it would be about as productive for our nation, but if Megyn Kelly was to run against Trump, I would vote for her without hesitation.

Let me leave my readers with two Bible verses that capture the current situation with Limbaugh and Trump:

HOW I VIEW LIMBAUGH’S PROGRAM: “Having a form of Godliness, but denying the power thereof, from such turn away”-2nd Timothy-3:5

AND FOR TRUMP AND HIS THREATENED FAILURE TO APPEAR AT THE FOX DEBATE: “If thou hast run with the footman, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses?-Jeremiah-12:5

Mark Damon