I started this blog because I wanted to contribute to, what I feel is the truth. I think what the World needs now is more Truth. There is a good old song called “What the World Needs Now is Love”, (Sweet Love), but true love is grounded in the truth, so here I am. America is plagued with deception, and few people in this nation, are working to wake people up. Despite a plethora of Churches in this Nation, deception reigns supreme. One of the reasons this is so, is because many Churches themselves are halls of deception. The more I look at the Bible, the more I am amazed at how it has an answer to every human condition, every flaw, and every problem. Detractors of the Bible often point out things they think do not fit today, so they say it should be discarded totally. What these people fail to understand is that the Bible is more than prophesy, more than history, more than science, and more than a guide book to the human experience, but the Bible, is a cultural text as well. If taken in context, the Bible is flawless. Today, there are a variety of social issues the Country is divided on, this division is at a white hot pitch, but these human disagreements manifest themselves within the physical reality. Abortion, Gay Marriage, Euthanasia, The Death Penalty, and others are hot button issues today, but they exist. Who can say that five hundred years from now, if we are here, historians will not call our culture barbaric, due to these cultural realities?

I am about the truth. Sometimes I may fall on the side of conservatives, sometimes liberals, but never, ever, on the side of that which I feel does not promote the truth. I am blogging for you. I am blogging for America. If you are disheartened with talk radio hosts that do not understand the depth of our founding, but only scratch the service, come here and feel like you are home again, welcome to the Family. If politicians let you down soon after you give them your support, stop by and say hello to me, I will try my best to comfort you. If you feel that your pastor preaches without fire, power and embraces some modern social alternative to God’s Holy word, stop by for a cup of verbal coffee, it’ll be good to the last word. If reality television is about to make you vomit, turn it off and visit your desktop, laptop, or fancy phone, and drop me a comment or two. If you feel you are surrounded by mendacity on every corner, and you need to get away to a place where Truth is celebrated in Love, leave a comment, and join the club of needy traditionalists, and ardent truth seekers.

I have no trouble coming up with subjects for my blog, as the world is ripe with conflict, pop culture and disagreement, but, I would like to hear about what you would like me to blog about. I am going to open this blog up to suggestions in regards to the unexplored, or frequently explored subjects, doesn’t matter, make a suggestion and I may blog about it, or I may invite you to write a blog. If I am familiar with a subject, I will provide my perspective on it, publishing your name in regards to the origin of the blog, or withholding it at your request, you decide.

In the coming months you will see pictures on my blog, the creation of new Super Heroes and Villains, you will see serious informative videos that provide you with more of that TRUTH I am speaking of here, and you will see silly videos, that have to do with nothing but pure entertainment value. You will be able to experience audio as well. You may even see video and audio parodies. I will also continue to dissect articles and news stories, commentators and ministers, that I feel are promoting deception, or are playing with the truth, by presenting you with half truths.

Like the Founders, I built my Foundation on a Word covenant with God, and although my blog is secular in nature, I give God the glory for the blessing of America, where a unique freedom was established and a great people of all colors, religions and beliefs flourished, to create one of the Greatest Nations that has ever existed! In reference to what I said about the many deceptive Churches in America and the preachers that defile them, I leave you with yet another Bible verse that addresses yet another human reality!

“Many Pastors have destroyed my Vineyard, they have trodden my portion under foot, they have made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness”.-Jeremiah 12:10

Mark Damon