I spoke to colleagues about what I thought could happen if any of the Syrian refugees turned out to be ISIS operatives. I said it wouldn’t surprise me if in the wake of an Islamic terrorist attack that President Obama would focus on gun control rather than the enemy at large! Well, I was going to save that particular issue for a December blog, but I see that the administration’s got ants in their pants!
It appears White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest has beat me to the idea before I wrote about it! They didn’t wait for an American Islamic attack. They are using Paris to fire up the debate and incredibly, they are focusing on guns, not vetting refugees or aggressively blaming the terrorists! Well, I do not want to disrespect the wishes of the White House, so I will take their advice and blog about gun control on this Thanksgiving holiday.
Since Josh is the spokesman for the administration, I will craft this blog in the tradition of an open letter to him. Mr. Earnest, let me tell you a few things in response to your press release about what we should talk about on a holiday directed by God’s divine hand. In reference to your terror watch list, you said, “Again, if congress were actually interested in doing that, they’d pass a law that would prevent somebody who’s on the terror watch list from being able to buy a gun. That’s what congress could do.” You went on to say Mr. Earnest, “I’m not sure why that’s even controversial. I’m not sure why it hasn’t been done so far. I suspect however that it has a lot to do with the fear Republicans have of the NRA.”
I will take your advice and discuss your suggestions for a terror watch list on Thanksgiving. But understand this, I already know that your commander-in-chief’s list will consist of Christians, concealed weapons holders, traditionalist and NRA members and have precious little to do with stopping the murderous rampages of Islamic terrorists.
First, do you really think the NCIC system will flag Islamic terrorists when they go to buy a gun? How do foreign nationals pass a background check in the first place to buy a gun? How do you screen foreign nationals with no background information? NCIC checks only pertain to citizens legally able to purchase a gun in the United States. I submit that your whole argument is spurious. This is a tactic to disarm law abiding Americans throughout this nation by placing them at Obama’s will, on a national watch list.
The only people your commander watches are American conservatives, Christians and anyone who does not represent his twisted set of values. Islamic terrorists are not going to be obtaining guns through legal markets. And even if they needed to, and they don’t, it wouldn’t stop people that kill Christians by crucifixion, cutting off people’s heads, drowning them in swimming pools and enjoy raping little girls to name just a handful of their abominations. Gun control is what President Obama wants Mr. press secretary, and he couldn’t care less about national security.
It is the perpetration of moral rot by the leaders of your soulless Democratic party that has spawned many of the soulless lackeys you’ve created that we now call active shooters. Your legal partners like the ACLU, have taken aim at nearly all of America’s traditional values and trashed them with wild abandon. You promote evolution through your political like-minded reprobates that call themselves scientists. You promote the belief that unborn babies are nothing more than blobs of organic flesh. You pervert the Constitution and invent new rights through your appointed reprobate minded judges. While at the same time, pontificating loudly the 2nd Amendment is not an absolute individual right.
Your party has been engaged for decades in attacking the Judeo-Christian roots of America and ignoring completely our rich Christian history and all the words of our founding fathers. Now, our President ignores a national security threat that is obvious. Our president ignores the concerns of countless governors and other leaders, even law enforcement personnel who have said these refugees cannot be properly vetted.
In the midst of all of the unearthly hell, that these Islamic radicals are causing across the world, your answer to it is to bring more Syrians into the country or talk about gun control and stupid watch lists that will do nothing to stop terrorists, but will be used to disarm Obama’s political opponents.
Your response if there would be one to this unknown blogger, is to say I am being paranoid right? Tell that to the people who were affected by your thugs at the IRS, or to relatives of dead federal agent Brian Terry due to your administrations fast and furious debacle.
Your conference Mr. press secretary is pure propaganda in the tradition of Hitler’s propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels. It is time your propaganda is challenged each time it is spewed forth like the cancer that it is. If we continue as Americans to sit by and allow this verbal trash to go unanswered, then the America as we know it will only be a memory!
Link to video: http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2015/11/robert-farago/how-to-talk-about-gun-control-over-thanksgiving/
-Mark Damon