Hillary Clinton, following her victory in New York, continues to bite and claw her way to the presidency, I just hope who ever may be her opponent, has a set of teeth and claws that are far sharper than hers! Spotlighting the democratic candidate by illustrating them with teeth and claws is not all that far off the mark. Intelligence is not the standard hallmark of the democratic leadership, and morality seems to be just as absent from almost any democratic platform.
Unfortunately, many people will follow these animal like leaders right to the edge of the cliff and down into the abyss. There are many of us that are not fans of either party, but the democratic leadership, well, they have pretty much embraced lunacy to the point of no return! Abracadabra, it was a restroom for women a minute ago, now its a restroom for anyone and everyone (See the blog: Man He feels like a Woman). Hocus-pocus, he was a criminal a minute ago learning that crime did not pay, now he is a criminal getting paid not to commit crimes! This is the utter lunacy that many of our leaders embrace today, and most of the time, its the democrats at the source of this nonsense!
Hillary Clinton’s next trick:
Soon, either President Obama, or the next President will have the ability to pick a Supreme Court Justice. The republican leadership has said that they have no plans to hold a hearing or a vote for Obama’s recent Supreme Court pick. This leaves the choice up to the next President. Will that be Hillary, Trump, Cruz, or some other republican nominee? Nobody has a clue at this moment in time. If Donald Trump is our next President, there is a possibility we are up for some republican magic, magic he will borrow no doubt, from the democrat’s book of magic. If Cruz receives the republican nomination, we will probably not suffer any Supreme Court magic. If it is another republican that wins the nomination and then the Presidency, then it will probably be a so-called establishment guy, and in that case, magic tricks will not be the problem with him or her, they will just ignore most of the tricks that the democrats are performing under their nose. If democrat Hillary Clinton wins the Presidency, it is likely to be a non-stop magic show, and black magic is the only kind she knows.
Poof!, one minute we have an individual right to keep and bear arms, and the next minute we don’t! That is Hillary’s best trick, and she is setting the stage for it now. The Supreme Court’s Heller decision confirmed that the Second Amendment refers to a individual right, and wonder of wonders, the Founder’s personal writings bear that out as well, but that did not matter to four dedicated liberals on the court, who voted to strip your right of self defense. Think about it ladies, a lot of you just got your concealed weapons permits didn’t you? Well, if Hillary gets her way, she will replace the vacancy on the Supreme Court with a Black Magic Justice. This will place any future challenge concerning the Second Amendment, in the hands of a majority of Black Magic Liberals. You can’t carry a gun concealed if you cannot own a gun.
Yes, doubters, this can and will happen in America, if we don’t tell these people that our rights are not up for grabs, and we will not be disarmed by the use of magic phrases like, commonsense gun laws. People that tell you that eradication of the Second Amendment will not happen, and point out all of the pro-gun laws that have been passed recently, ignore the real fact that our rights these days, are more dependent on the people in power, rather than our Constitution, a document many leaders frequently ignore.
Our Nation is full of democratic leaders (and some republicans) pulling dirty little tricks through deception, and many people keep buying tickets for the show! This blogger, like many of you out there, have learned the trade secrets of these magicians, and are exposing how they work their magic, but so many people are far too deceived and captivated by these political performers, and their back stage Hollywood crew, so it is up to us to expose these cheap deceivers.
Ticket Holders take note:
I believe these Black Magic Politicians are preparing their final acts. These acts include, making both the First and Second Amendments disappear, followed by many of the other Amendments in our Bill of Rights. When they perform the final show, and the curtain closes, don’t bother asking for a return of your rights, for you’ll have neither the voice, or the power to sway these Black Magic deceivers, for it will be too late, and the show will be over.
The moral of this story:
Friends don’t let friends vote for Black Magic Democrats, or the Republican lackeys there of.
Mark Damon