Kings, Queens, and Constitutionalists

I constantly hear the argument, about how a Judge being considered for the Supreme Court, or candidate for the Presidency, should be rich in education and experience. Well, those standards are okay, but they mean absolutely nothing, if the person being nominated for Supreme Court Justice, or running for president, are immoral, or even amoral. The bill of rights, by their very presence in the Constitution, are moral edicts that demand the watchful eye of moral men and women, and if men and women do not watch what our leaders are doing with those rights, we can easily lose them! The people are responsible for continuation of their freedoms, not leaders, and if people depend on leaders with no moral principles, or should I say, leaders whose morality stems from the morality of the day, then kiss your freedom goodbye! That’s how it works people, and proof of all of this, is occurring with ever increasing frequency. If the people just depend on the education and experience of our leaders, as it pertains to the courts, to politics, and in public service or whatever, then it means that we could be allowing an immoral person, to weasel their way around the bill of rights, and sift your freedom through the strainer of deceit.

Kings and Queens:

Our Government was set up by the Founding Fathers, to protect the people living within our country. The founders were fresh, with an acute understanding of how power corrupts the hearts and minds of human beings, and how those human qualities could be used to pave a road, that would lead to tyranny within a short period of time. That’s what the Constitution is all about, it’s a road block to tyranny, but the people still have to guard the gate. We do not need Supreme Court Justices who have had extensive judicial experience, or who have spent twenty years as an attorney, serving with some high and mighty law firm, or who have been lauded by his or her peers for a host of legal opinions or papers. No, we need staunch Constitutionalists to protect our liberty. Our Founding Fathers warned us about these things, and despite the vast protections they crafted within our Constitution, they clearly declared that our form of government, was for a good and moral people, and would not work for any other type of people.

Some Supreme Court Justices have been sifting your freedom through the strainer of deceit. Do you realize what is happening? Watch and learn and Pay attention. There are Justices that do not have the Constitution written within their minds or the people’s freedoms deep within their hearts. They act upon the desires of their own contemporary morality, and many times, their desires are alien to our founding principles. Sin guides their gavels. They issue decrees instead of decisions, because they operate like Kings and Queens, not Constitutionalists. When decisions are made by some Justices, they look within their own flawed hearts, world opinion, contemporary culture, or world law, and THIS IS WRONG! The Constitution was crafted from moral concepts, and the Declaration of Independence, is to the Constitution, what books are to the Bible, you take them out, and the integrity of the cannon, is skewed.

So, the Declaration of Independence should be one of the sources, from which Justices reach their decisions, in regards to the precious jewel of liberty. It’s not that I am a romantic, just a man that does not take my rights for granted. The Declaration of Independence is the teacher that stands at the front of the class, telling our Supreme Court Justices, where our liberties began, and from what type of foundation our Constitution stood upon, because the Declaration is a source, leaving little doubt, what the founders believed about liberty, and how they viewed people who would violate those liberties. People that say the Declaration has nothing to do with the constitution, are ignorant of our historical whole. In addition to the Declaration of Independence being a good source for constitutional intent, so are the words of our founding fathers, who expressed opinions, on many issues that we struggle with today, through their writings. In fact, nothing should rise above the founders own intentions, as they were the children of the original oppressive miseries, miseries, that led to the birth of America.

I don’t care if a Judge has sit on every bench in America, is 250 years old, looks and feels like 21, and has partnered in every law firm on earth. If that Judge is immoral or amoral, and follows his/her own petty beliefs, instead of the original intent of the founding fathers, our constitution and everything related to what made America a miracle, he or she is not fit to sit on the Supreme Court for one hour, much less a life time appointment! The latest piece that portrayed this qualifications nonsense, was from author Theodore B. Olson, in a piece he wrote for the Wall Street Journal, but this is a common theme, I am not picking on this man, nor the Wall Street Journal, it’s just that anyone having this opinion is so very wrong. The same argument would apply to the position of the President. One current example, is when people say that Donald Trump has no experience in government or politics, and this should disqualify him, while others say he is an outsider, and just what we need. I say, if Trump is amoral or immoral, we don’t need him under either circumstance! History proves me right, and those of the other two opinions, are historically wrong!

The Heller decision, a decision that held that the Second Amendment was an individual right, was correct. No one has to go any farther than the declaration of Independence and the Constitution to see that this is true. When you add the words of the founding fathers, in regards to the right to keep and bear arms, and combine it with the other two sources, you find immutable intent for the right to keep and bear arms, and if you are honest, your cake is baked, your conclusion seared into the bell of liberty, and your bank of truth should be full. If you, as a Justice, reach another conclusion, other than those provided by the sources above, you do not deserve to sit on that Supreme Court Bench, for you either think that the rights of the people do not matter, you are better than the founders and the bill of rights, or you think you are a King or Queen, working on your major of little tyrant.

If one uses the standards above, and they should, Judge Merrick Garland should never be considered for the position of Supreme Court Justice, and as far as the four Kings and Queens, who ruled against the bill of rights in the Heller decision, they have demonstrated no regard for your liberty or mine, the writings of the founding fathers and their struggles for independence, or reverence for our Mother document, the declaration of Independence. They have ignored the declarations value as a shinning light, a light that reveals the real intent behind our constitution.


There is a concentrated effort to make young people despise America nearly every day. You are told our founders were racist white men. Our statues are being removed, historic flags are being removed, and people are being silenced. People are being threatened if they believe global warming is not happening, or even if they believe it is happening, but it is a natural earth cycle, and not something we as human beings are doing. They have redefined marriage, invaded our bathrooms, are paying criminals instead of jailing them, and the list of absurdities is so vast that listing them would be a article within itself. Our schools have become institutions of political indoctrination, instead of education. Our young people are being taught to fear things which have no teeth, while things they should really fear, are being completely dismissed. The number one problem in America is deception and the number two problem is that people are blind to it.

America, abridged:

Our Founders were sinners just like you and me. Slavery was, and is, an abomination. Murder, Rape, Robbery, Abuse, Slavery, and every facet of human depravity will continue to exist until Jesus Christ returns to this earth. Don’t believe the Bible? Okay, compare the Bible to history and prepare to search for the truth, that was the definition of science (the search for truth) until science, like education, became a tool of the political elite, to brainwash our people. If you look at the Bible as a whole, in context, and compare it to all of our human problems, all of our scientific discoveries, and errors, you will discover a field guide full of answers, regarding the universe, the human condition, and everything else you can imagine. It will open eyes and touch your heart and soul. You should then, look to God, accept Jesus Christ as instructed in Romans chapter 10, verses 9 and 10, pray to receive the holy spirit, and your search for truth will be over. It will be harder to deceive you than ever before!

Our Founders lived at a time when slavery was accepted and common (see paragraph one to see again, what slavery is, and was, according to my beliefs) throughout the world, and slavery is still part of some cultures in the world today. Many of our Founders did not like it, in a similar way, that people today, do not like the abomination of legal abortion, but believe me, at the moment, we cannot change the laws on abortion, anymore, than our founders could immediately change the abomination of slavery. Slavery was legal then and abortion is legal now, because mankind has rejected GOD and is bound toward Hell, and only Jesus can re-direct our destination, because we are vile and perverse, and we need GOD. Our Founders were perverse and needed GOD. Our Founding Fathers although perverse, called upon GOD to form our new nation, the nation of America. Our Founders made a word covenant with GOD (See the Declaration of Independence) and this covenant lead to the wisdom of our constitution.

Our constitution provided words that were unique and filled with righteous fire. Our constitution lead to a process that ended slavery within a hundred years or so. What are our current leaders doing to bring about an eventual end to abortion? You are being told that the right to murder an infant is a choice, just like people thought owning black people was an exclusive choice, all because both cultures, those of today and yesterday, thought neither slaves (black people) or the unborn, were fully human. The founders set the end of slavery in motion with the great teacher of freedom, our constitution. If one uses the documents in our early history, and combines them with the early words of our founding fathers, abortion is exposed for what it is as well, murder.

The document that lead the way for blacks and whites to end the abomination of Slavery is under constant attack, is being re-interpreted, and being rendered useless. The Declaration of Independence is not even considered relevant as a companion to the constitution, in most of academia today, and the words of the founding fathers, garner even less consideration among contemporary educators. The end of abortion, is harder to contemplate in modern times, then was slavery, because a concentrated effort is under way, to degrade and reject our founding principles. Do you really think our early founders, courts, or legislatures, would have found a gay marriage right in the constitution? The contemporary right to gay marriage did not come about, because of equal protection rights within our constitution, as was in the case with equality for blacks, instead, the right to gay marriage came about because leaders are destroying the constitution, and the relationship, as it pertained, to our early reverence for God.

The pot of justice simmered slowly, as God’s pot of justice often does in a world of temptation and sin, but the constitution was that miracle document, that would inspire men in the future, to lead a movement to free the slaves, and to usher in a modern age of equality. America was inspired by God, and the fact that slavery existed does not diminish that fact, as it is also a fact, that we live in a sinful and fallen world. The church, was an institution that expedited the end to slavery, and that church existed because of religious freedom, the founding fathers, and the constitution.

Now, there are powerful forces endeavoring to remove the constitution that balances our human rights. All things American are being degraded by college professors, students who have been influenced by their professors, pop culture that is a result of a perverse and revisionist history, and not to mention a culture that has forgotten God. Since the decision allowing for the introduction of gay marriage, an acceleration has begun. Since America, and America’s constitution were inspired by God, I believe God is going to allow us to experience an America, that has embraced darkness, to receive misery, as our reward, just as God allowed an early America, that had embraced light, to receive abundance and prosperity. The abundance we have experienced when we embraced the light of God, shall now become the opposite. If America does not reject darkness soon, and head back to the light of the truth, I believe we will see a complete reversal of God’s blessings.

I believe the American people are heading toward famine, disease, and an eventual loss of liberty. Once again, slavery will rear its ugly head, and all of the people that embraced these phony civil rights advocates, these phony sexual rights advocates, and these phony idealists, shall see their true enemies, and they will be those people, that they thought, were champions of equality, and that had their best interest at heart. The very people trying to destroy the greatness of America, are the ones that have promised the multicultural paradise, a paradise that will never be, under their sinful rule.

Our only hope is to return to our founding principles, and this does not mean everyone is going to be sinless and give up all their fun. It means understanding our beginnings and returning to our principles as a collective republic, or the party is over. Judgement is coming.

Why the constitutionalists are losing to the Kings and Queens:

The Justices on the Supreme court, that ruled against an individual right to keep and bear arms, and are doing a number of other things to endanger our freedoms, and are undermining our constitution and our bill of rights, are simply Justices that have been invited in by our apathy, because we have forgotten who we are, and why we are. It is going to get worse. Every time a frivolous right is recognized, a real right is diminished or lost. You do not have to take this bloggers word for it, because you are going to eventually see it for yourself. I’m just telling you in advance, that’s all. So heed my words, and do everything you can as an individual to reverse Americas course, or feel the coming storm for yourself. Enlightenment does not await us in the future, only darkness.

We must return to greatness. The Kings and Queens are not the only problem that America faces, as they are in fact, symptoms, of a much greater problem, but hey, we can start with this can’t we? Let’s you and I demand that our president, whomever that might be, nominate the constitutionalists that we deserve, and leave the Kings and Queens, to serve in other nations.

God Bless,

Mark Damon