My mission is to bring to my readers, and to my viewers, when it comes to my up-coming videos (those videos that are not parodies or the search for Cryptids), information, that I feel is the truth. I don’t take that position lightly, because I created this blog, out of frustration and disgust, due to all of the dishonesty, the disingenuous diatribe, and the blatant deception,(rather realized by the messenger or not), that I was hearing and seeing on a daily basis. This world of misinformation, applies to the media, talk-radio, our educational institutions, the Church, the Government, the internet, and even by the words of the individual that is uniformed. Many people, can only provide information to others, from that which they have learned from some other source. I realize that standard includes me, but please understand this, that most people, do not examine their sources very closely, or seek to find the truth on their own. I believe that people that do seek the truth on their own, are rare.
I have been listening to Rush Limbaugh off and on since 1988. I agree with some of what Limbaugh has to say, but lately, I have had a problem with some of the things he has been doing and saying on his program. I have wanted to write a detailed blog highlighting my disagreements with Limbaugh and frankly, I still intend to do this. I feel that Limbaugh is doing and saying some things that need to be addressed. Remember, I am about bringing you the truth, and I do not confine that truth within the conservative realm. If someone is doing something, that I think needs to be brought to the people’s attention, then I’ll bring it to their attention. Rush Limbaugh commands a massive audience, and despite his claim that his audience are not mind numb robots (and I am not saying they are either), he should surely admit, that he does command some influence with his audience, just through the normal phenomenon known as idol worship. This issue came up recently with callers who were upset, about what they felt was veiled support on Limbaugh’s part, for Donald Trump.
The up-coming blog, about the examination of Limbaugh’s positions and his show, is not this blog, this is just a preview, that blog, will examine the many positions that Limbaugh has taken over the last several months, and also, many of the things Limbaugh has said over his program. Today, I am giving my readers just a small preview of what is to come. Limbaugh has claimed on his program many times, that he is not publicly supporting Trump, that he is just explaining various scenarios, and providing information to his audience, but this explanation does not cut it. How many times has Limbaugh said that perception is reality in politics? Does he not realize when excuses are made for Trump, that people perceive that this is a type of support? Limbaugh also claims, that his audience are not mind numb robots (previously mentioned) and that his audience are going to do what they want, regardless of what he might tell them. Well, that may be true, in regards to much of his audience, but than again, it may not be entirely accurate.
If Rush Limbaugh has no influence over his audience, than why does he personally sell the following products on his program, for a variety of advertisers and for his own products? Limbaugh pitches security systems, computer back-up systems, candy coated fruit, tea, flowers, stuffed animals, tractors, other drinks in the past, bed sheets, and a series of his own books. It would seem to me, that Limbaugh thinks he actually does have influence over his audience, even though, he does not view the members of his audience as mind numb robots. In addition to the items mentioned, Limbaugh hosts a fund raiser every year, for the fight against a disease, and that’s good, I’m just illustrating Limbaugh’s influence over his non-robot audience. Here’s something that perhaps, surpasses all of those examples: Was it not Rush Limbaugh, that launched operation chaos during a former election cycle?
I could say so much more about Rush Limbaugh, but my hope is to wait until next year, to see if his gulf buddy, Donald Trump, governs with the Constitution in mind, or he governs left, placing another King or Queen on the Supreme Court, and not the Constitutionalist we desperately need. I want to see if Limbaugh’s buddy, if he even wins the election, is going to defend the First and Second Amendments of the Bill of Rights, or just govern as a great deal maker. I want to see this and more, in the up-coming year, then I will write my informative piece on Limbaugh’s show, and just what I believe he has contributed to, in this election cycle, and how he has influenced the direction, of our current American pop-culture. I may do the special Limbaugh blog before next year, if I feel it is vital for the people to consume a much needed dose of truth, but we’ll see.
What Rush Limbaugh said to prompt an early response from me:
If you are a reader and have followed my blog, you know I have written about an acceleration of evil. If you are following the current culture, you also know, that what I said, is correct. The blessing of the Gay marriage union by the Supreme Court, and the endorsement of that ruling by various leaders, has led to an acceleration of cultural folly, pandemic political corruption, and in a word, evil. Since this ruling, America is declining at an alarming pace. Our Constitution is being mocked by many leaders, traditional values are being mocked by many leaders, and the abandonment of commonsense is becoming an everyday reality. We are actually witnessing a spiral downward, as our mighty nation once blessed by the hand of God, embraces the desires of a reprobate mindset. America did not just sin as usual with that recent Supreme Court decision, but America has mocked God, in regards to a Holy union that he created, the union of marriage.
I believe that restraint has been lifted on the engine of evil. I believe evil is expanding. In the days of Noah, one righteous family temporarily kept a vile world safe from the Wrath of God, but the acceleration of evil, an evil that would consume the culture in those days, was allowed to flourish unabated, and after Noah’s family were safe, God poured out his wrath with water. The same thing is happening here in America. When the President of the United States, sends a letter to our public schools, urging local communities to allow biological boys and men, not only in the women’s restrooms, but in the showers as well, we have reached a state of complete spiritual and mental insanity. We have an element of our culture that wants to pay criminals not to commit crimes, rather than punish them for their crimes, and now we are registering our women for the draft, all in the name of political correctness, but it is not political correctness, it is spiritual wickedness, and it is being practiced in various ways, from evil people in high places. These are not the only evil things happening that are being called good, there are many other vile things afoot in America. All of these things, come with deception, and deception many times, ends with sorrow, judgement, or both.
Enter Rush Limbaugh:
Rush made the statement just the other day, he said, “America will always be here”. History tells us, that what Rush Limbaugh said, simply isn’t true. America is subject to the Wrath of God, as is any nation that forgets his blessings and embraces national sin polices. Great nations have collapsed before, due to grave decadence, and America is not immune. These people that tell you that there have been darker times, such as slavery, are wrong, not because slavery was not horrible, because it was, but because the end of it came about due to an accelerated engine of righteousness, not darkness. What we are embracing today is an accelerated engine of spiritual darkness, not righteousness, so there is only one way to go, and that’s down, down, down. God was the focal point that accelerated an end to slavery, but today, God is a distancing point to all of America’s endeavors.
There is hope, but America will not endure the coming storm, unless good men and women stand against the tide of evil. If American men won’t even stand up and defend their women, what good are they, what good are we? Just twenty five years ago, the letter Obama sent to our public schools, allowing biological men into girls shower rooms, would have caused anger at a white hot pitch, people would have probably called for his impeachment, and he should be impeached for this, for this was not an act defending the civil rights of transgender people, but instead, it was an act violating the privacy and the safety, of American Women! The vomit comes up in my throat, when I hear men, or people who pretend to be men, say, it’s no big deal. The wheels of spiritual evil and the restraint thereof, have been lifted by God. I believe God is saying okay, you don’t think you need me, and you are going to mock me, then have at it. I believe God is saying yet again : “AND NOW NOTHING WILL BE RESTRAINED FROM THEM WHICH THEY HAVE IMAGINED TO DO.(Genesis 11:6) The glass is neither half full, or half empty, it is empty, and if we do not fill it with the Holy Spirit, we are heading for endless trouble, trouble that will end our republic, and start a new age of evil incarnate.
No Rush, America will not always be here if we abandon our founding principles, and that means reverence to God, not simply secular conservatism.
The statement Rush made about America, was proof in the pudding, of what I have been waiting for him to reveal. He clearly does not understand the evil we face, that it is spiritual, and that it transcends contemporary ideologies.
This is not an examination of Rush Limbaugh, but it is coming. It’s coming because millions follow his lead. Millions look to him and await what they think is his wisdom, and in my opinion they are being deceived. Right now, and in the coming days, I will be listening to Limbaugh and taking notes. I caution people, follow no icon, but follow the truth. Test what anyone tells you, including me.
What I mean by the title in this blog:
Rush Limbaugh has said many times that he hopes Obama fails. He is clearly talking about the Obama agenda. In that, we agree. Limbaugh has also said many times that we need to defeat the democrats. In that, as a usual rule, I agree. Now, what do I mean when I say I hope Rush fails, adding if at the end of the title? Simply this: Rush is not helping the Country with his brand of conservative talk, when it is peppered by self deception and a fiery arrogance, mixed with a misunderstanding on his part, of what we are battling against in this nation. Conservatism falls to greed, lust, and other human faults, just like the bankrupt ideology of liberalism. It is the God enduring principles that do not fail. This is why America has excelled, and why a lack of the God principles has accelerated her decline now. Two bankrupt secular ideologies still have sinful men driving American beliefs, but the God principle, the original American principle, the principle of our Founding Fathers, set America on a blessed and prosperous path. This principle ended slavery, but the God principle does not exist anymore in America. We have no righteous engine to end abortion, nothing that prevented gay marriage from happening, or nothing to stop the perverted and dangerous, bathroom invasion, and nothing, to stop the coming onslaught of spiritual evil. I want Rush to fail if he does not wake up, because he has the attention of millions of people, that might otherwise, look toward God for answers, if his show was no longer on the air. If Rush does not pray to God for wisdom, and extend his thanks to God, (for what he calls is, his talent on loan from God), by proclaiming God, as the author of the American miracle, and spreading that to the people from the mountain tops of his network, then yes, I hope Rush Limbaugh fails. I hope he fails to keep his audience, his show and his status, as an American icon. If he embraces our Founders REAL principles, The God Principle, I hope Rush excels.
Rush may reap what he sows anyway, if he ignores my advice, because if the the acceleration of evil is not stopped by spiritual righteousness, the reprobate people in power will probably eventually shut him down anyway, based on some new law they enact. They certainly are not afraid of doing just about anything they choose these days, so why should silencing Limbaugh be any different? Maybe the contemporary progressive powers will finally label Limbaugh a terrorist. Nothing surprises me anymore.This analysis assumes though, that Limbaugh himself, will not become further corrupted by his secular religion of conservatism, and eventually join the progressives, on only a passive level of course. Trump’s a nice guy, according to Rush, it’s politics according to Rush, and yet think about what Trump has said and done. Is uplifting Trump in his crudeness, his arrogance, and his disrespect for others honoring your talent on loan from God?
I am going to continue to listen to Limbaugh for more. I hope he embraces more than this bankrupt secular outlook, because frankly, he owes it to his audience, and the sponsors, who are supported by his listeners. My job is to bring you the truth. I don’t care if it is secular conservatism that hypnotizes and suspends your thinking abilities, or the other far worse ideology of progressive thought, I just want you to be alert. I’m your weather man, and a perfect, but evil storm is coming, but don’t worry, I’m watching the radar.
So, should I hope Rush Limbaugh fails? I will answer that again in the future, but for now, we have one hope in delaying the storm, and it is in a holy scripture, in part, it says this:
In the last days, I will pour out of my spirit, upon all flesh- – – (Acts 2:17-kjv) (See scripture for entire text)
America needs to return to God, not secular conservatism, as Rush believes.
Bringing you the truth, without ideological compromise,
Mark Damon