Chelsea Clinton’s Message About Her Mom:
I certainly do not fault Chelsea for saying good things about her Mom. Most Children want to say good things about their parents. Unfortunately, reality must prevail in this blog and truth must be my light house. Chelsea says Hillary fights for Women’s rights all over the world, but that has already been proven false with Hillary’s defense of a particular religion that has clearly subjugated women and treats them as second class citizens, and in the way she tried to destroy women who came out against her husband Bill Clinton. Chelsea Clinton also believes (I guess) that Hillary knows that women’s rights are human rights, but unfortunately; once again, that has been proven false unless Hillary believes women’s rights are human rights that exist on a lesser level than the rights of men. Chelsea believes (I guess) that Hillary knows that L.G.B.T. rights are human rights, but the only way Hillary can apply such a belief, is if the L.G.B.T. rights do not clash with the rights of that other politically correct group that subjugates women.
A Message To Chelsea Concerning Dinosaurs:
I assume Chelsea that dinosaurs still interest you? If so; I encourage you to visit Ken Ham’s Ark in Kentucky. You will find historic dinosaurs there and people living side by side in the displays.This presentation is a scientific one that has been embraced by experts that have degrees that are just as valid as those who do not agree with this scientific theory. There is valid evidence in science for Ham’s positions on the beginning of life and the origin of dinosaurs. Did you know Chelsea that the word dinosaur is not an ancient word? Did you know that the creature known as a dragon is an ancient word? Dinosaurs might actually be the real dragons of history. Many animals that science know existed are now extinct. Dinosaurs may or may yet be found today somewhere on the earth. Did you know Chelsea that science thought an ancient fish called the Coelacanth died out with the dinosaurs millions of years ago, but was discovered living among us in the last century? I believe in science too Chelsea, like your Mother, I just happen to believe that science is the search for truth, not the bedfellow of political gain and control. What about you Chelsea, do you believe that science should be the search for truth?
Hillary’s Speech is full of lots of Tricks and Treats:
I thought Hillary’s entrance onto the D.N.C stage was incredibly ironic since she came out dressed in white. She reminded me of a money grubbing false evangelist after your money, who is not interested in the things of God what-so-ever. Actually, that might be a fair description of the scenario here. Hillary talked about the two men of hope, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. I suppose the correct context of hope in referring to Bill Clinton, is that many women HOPE that he will not sexually harass them in the future? With Barack Obama, I guess the hope is that Obama will not remove the right to self defense from American women by suspending their right to keep and bear arms? Yes, two men of hope. It just depends on who is engaged in hope as to just what is meant by that word.
Hillary Clinton claims Trump divides us:
It is also ironic that Hillary accuses Trump of dividing America, when race relations are at the height of modern tension. I believe that the rhetoric of Obama and Hillary have helped at spawning the hatred against the Police in this country. They have lumped all the cases where Police are involved in shooting black men, and assumed racial intentions on the part of officers, when they should be looking at facts case by case. The rhetoric that Hillary and Obama have promoted are not just divisive, they are extremely dangerous and have caused national unrest and distrust in the men and women that protect us.
This is rhetoric that honors the gravest tradition of Samhain, in that democratic leaders have sacrificed the safety of Police Officers with their vote bating rhetoric!
Hillary’s Proclamation for Immigrants and a Religion?
I put a question mark at the end there, because I assume that when Hillary told us that we are not going to ban a religion, she must have been talking about the Muslim religion? She certainly was not talking about Christianity because democratic leaders are trying to suppress it in any and every public area they can. I am not sure why Hillary referenced banning religion because as far as I know Trump has never advocated anything even close. Trump only wanted to prohibit certain individuals from certain regions until we were sure terrorists were not among them. This is hardly a ban of any religion.
Hillary claims she wants to build a path of citizenship to millions of immigrants, but what she really means is that she has no intention of enforcing federal border laws, has no intention of requiring anyone to produce an I.D. to vote, and wants to create a new class of voters so that the democratic leadership remains in power forever. It’s not about immigrants; it’s about power, endless power, and of course another democratic dependent class.
Hillary and The Founding Fathers:
Hillary mentioned the Founders at least twice, but one thing she left out was how they deeply depended on the light of God’s word in the founding of this country, both off and on the field of battle. One thing that she said illustrates irony yet again, when she lectured that the Founders wrote a Constitution where one person would not have all the power. Hillary must have been talking about the man who appointed her Secretary of State, since Obama has attempted to use executive orders on a regular basis to subvert the people’s Constitution.
This speech was a continual celebration of the horrors of Halloween and the tricks involved in the tradition. There are no treats, just false promises and more mayhem to come.
Hillary’s promise to all ZIP code residents:
Hillary promises good jobs to people no matter what zip code they live in. The only problem with Hillary’s promise, is that it is a promise that has been made by democratic leaders like her for decades. If you watch the film Hillary’s America, you will see how promises in a similar vein, have been made by the democratic party from the beginning. The truth is, Hillary wants you to stay in a certain zip code. The zip code of poverty, welfare and dependence.
Hillary Claimed She is for Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and everyone:
Hillary is not for everyone as she claimed. She wants votes and she will say anything to obtain them. She proclaimed that she intends to strive for a progressive platform, but tens of millions of Americans do not want a progressive platform in this country. Millions of Americans want their Second Amendment rights free from progressive infringement. Millions of Americans believe in honesty and we are not getting it from the democratic leadership. Millions of Americans support legal immigration but oppose illegal immigration. Millions of Americans are tired of our great moral traditions being undermined and held in contempt by the democratic leadership in this country. Tell me, how does Hillary support all of us? What Hillary Clinton claims is complete and utter nonsense. Hillary accuses Trump of self absorption, but she is the queen of that human flaw. Progressives taunt conservatives and Christians about rights that are dear to them, but completely ignore real rights that are important to us like the First and Second Amendments.
Hillary tells us that Democrats are the Party of Working People:
Really? If what Hillary says is true, than why have so many of their supporters been in poverty for so long, even when democrats have had control of the federal government and the courts at many points in history? The democratic leadership want dependency and votes, not economic peace.
Hillary claimed that Wall street should never be able to wreck Main Street again:
Hillary Clinton is the darling of Wall Street. Hillary, release the content of your speeches, so to put it in your words, we can follow the money!
Hillary Clinton promises free college tuition and to forgive college loan debt as well. She claims she will pay for it by going after the rich. She says they are going to pay for it. I have a GREAT IDEA! Hillary, Your daughter Chelsea, said that you have a “HEART FULL OF LOVE”, so please listen closely. Hillary, we all know that you are a rich person, so will you pledge now, with your heart full of love, that you will dedicate the millions of dollars you have made on books, speeches, and other ventures, and give it to the millions of students across America. Since you are such a good person, can we also expect you to give other millions you will make in the future to students all across America? As a great public servant, I am sure you can live comfortably on your public salary. What do you say Hillary, as you TAKE the money from others who have made millions, will you give ALL of your millions to the people in need that support you? Remember, you said it takes a village to raise a child, so please, give YOUR MILLIONS to help the village. Can your democratic supporters and Bernie Sanders supporters depend on you Hillary?
Do I hear Crickets?
Hillary Tumbles Iran’s Nuclear Program without firing a shot?
Surely Hillary is jesting! Is she kidding us? Iran has claimed that they will destroy the Great Satan (America) and and the Little Satan (Israel) and she actually has the audacity to suggest you can control a Nation like this with diplomacy and progressive coddling?
Hillary claimed that a “man you can bait with a tweet is not a man you can trust with Nuclear Weapons”. (She was referring to Donald Trump).
I say, that a leader that is deceived by a nation like Iran, who believes that such a nation would honor any agreement, when they have expressed their intentions to destroy us, is behaving like an utter fool.
It is not Donald Trump that should give Americans pause in regards to our Nuclear button, but it is the Nuclear button that Iran may soon have because of the gross negligence and folly of President Obama and Hillary Clinton.
Donald Trump, The Gun Lobby and The Second Amendment:
Hillary claims Donald Trump is in the pocket of the gun lobby. The gun lobby could also be called The Second Amendment Lobby so I am glad Donald Trump occupies that particular pocket. I hope that Donald Trump stays there! Hillary said in her speech that she was not going to take away our guns, she just did not want us to be shot by someone who should not have them in the first place. First, those statements do not match her previous ones, where she claimed that the Supreme Court got the ruling on the Second Amendment wrong. The Supreme Court ruled that the Second Amendment refers to an individual right. Hillary believes that decision was wrong.
Hillary also stated that the Australian model of gun control was a good one. You cannot own and possess nearly any type of firearm in Australia! Hillary said she wants common sense safety laws in regards to guns. Simply put, she wants to take away our guns. Remember, she is going to take from the rich and give to the poor, but it does not apply to her riches. Hillary wants you to believe that she supports the Second Amendment and she very well may support it, but she supports the version of the Second Amendment that the four dissenting Supreme Court Justices embraced. Hillary’s Second Amendment is a Second Amendment that does not recognize an individual right to own firearms. At best, Hillary’s Second Amendment is one that refers to a false collective right. If Hillary and the progressives really had their way, only the federal government would retain guns, but I guess first, it is more important to disarm the individual through subversion of the Constitution.They can always attempt to disarm the States later on.
Progressive Laws have enabled the creation of more active shooters:
Progressives like Hillary have undermined true morality. Progressives like Hillary have undermined our deep religious heritage in the public square. Progressives like Hillary have worked to make us an immoral people without moral absolutes. Progressives like Hillary fan the flames of real division and anarchy. Progressives push Evolution as scientific fact, and deny the scientific evidence for creation. Active shooters often kill themselves, and why not, progressives have taught them that there is no God, or God is nothing more than a word in a deceptive democratic speech. God is not real to the active shooter, Hell does not exist, and that is based on the notion that they have even heard of such a place, and when they are buried the active shooter believes that they will just be dead, so they kill because progressives have told them that they are an advanced ape with no glorious afterlife.
Progressive teachings are partly responsible for our new and re-occurring breed of monsters.
Now, in addition to contributing to evil, progressives are pushing to disarm law-abiding gun owners.
Hillary’s Timeless Phrase:
Hillary said something last night that I first heard a great minister say. I do not know who originally said it, maybe Hillary quoted them; I don’t know. What I do know, is that she left out the second sentence. Hillary said, “America is Great because America is Good”. Hillary left out something very important. The rest of that is this:
“America will cease to be great when America ceases to be good”.
The democratic leadership in this nation are selling the people a false patriotism and a false God. There is nothing even slightly close to the beautiful morals that are in the Word of God, and the morals that the progressive platform embraces.They offer treats, but they are doing tricks.
America, You are being deceived and seduced by the political elite and the entertainment pop-culture elite. Wake-up America before our country becomes only a shell of her former greatness. Our Founders created this country on the foundation of The Mighty Word of God. Nothing else in any way, would have brought about this unique miracle that was America.
Pray, that God will pour out of his spirit upon us all, so that the evil passing as good is revealed.
God Bless America,
Mark Damon