Mr. Prothero,
I feel I must respond to your piece on religious bigotry in the December 9th edition of USA TODAY. Your comparisons of religious discrimination directed at Catholics and Mormons in the 19th century vs Muslims today, is disingenuous and erroneous. You wrote that Protestants attempted to banish both Catholics and Mormons from the American family because their religions were incompatible with American values. You went on to write that “many 19th century Americans claimed that Roman Catholicism was really a political scheme to take over the country, and that Mormonism was really an insidious business enterprise”.
The theme of your piece is that American opposition to Islam is simply part of a culture that is fostered by secular conservatism and Christians. You demonize Conservatives and Protestants implying that what is happening with Muslims today, is part of the same bigotry that occurred in the past with other groups. I contend in turn that no such comparison exists today in regards to religious context. Americans in fact fear the spread of American Islam and the migration of foreign Muslims, because of what they see happening around the world.
People are having their heads cut off in the name of Islam, they are being burned alive in cages in the name of Islam, they are being drowned in swimming pools in the name of Islam, and little girls, little, little girls, are being RAPED and brutalized in the NAME OF ISLAM! Kirsten Powers, a self described liberal, and one of great integrity I might add, mastered a powerful piece just the day before in USA TODAY, in regards to CHRISTIAN GENOCIDE. Kirsten reported among other atrocities, the rape of two women in public, who had refused to convert to Islam. Professor Prothero, please wake up and SMELL what you are shoveling!
The people that we are fighting are not driven by any engine of hate ideology, they instead, are driven by spiritual evil. (I will pause while you are laughing, but please recognize my religious belief to say that, or someone may tag you as a conservative or Christian bigot) This spiritual evil is ANTI-HUMAN and not normal hate ideology. The engine of this evil will accelerate no matter what we do and no matter how nice we play. They must be stopped or someone is going to give them a NUCLEAR weapon, then it is game over!
They have killed Christians, Jews, people that believe in no God, and YES, they kill Muslims too that do not agree with them! We the People are not against Muslims, but we are against people that pointlessly murder other people and rape adolescent girls! Lord God, we need John Wayne in the white house! Where in the living hell is our backbone !!!!???? America, quit watching reality television and watch the terror heading your way!
The historical comparisons you make Professor Prothero are absurd, and I am trying to be nice with that word. This spiritual evil that I write about here has been experienced once before in modern times. This spiritual engine of evil manifested itself in the murder of six million Jews and millions of others under Adolf Hitler. Then like now, there are people that choose to sleep. If this letter to USA TODAY survives the coming evil that we all are about to consume with our apathy, our ignorance and our indifference, it may find itself in the history books, with scores of other warnings from like minded Patriots and lovers of Almighty God!
Like fictional Kirk said to Khan in the Star Trek movie the Wrath of Khan, I am laughing at your superior intellect professor, and that goes for all of you self described or peer described intellectuals. In regards to your intellectual prowess, I leave you with a Bible verse in the tradition of our Founding Father’s writing style: -“Thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked” (Revelation 3:17)
So much for contemporary intellectualism.
Mark Damon