The Year of God

Will 2016 be the Year of God? I believe that this is very possible. Unlike 2016 and the Year of the Gun, Hillary Clinton’s election has nothing to do with whether or not 2016 will be the Year of God. What do I mean by this? I mean God continues to watch a Godless Nation embrace more and more Godlessness. I believe with all my heart God previously blessed this Nation and he can just as easily curse it. Will God curse this Nation, has he already done so, or will he bless us again? I think it is up to us. I think God is Love and Mercy, but he is also Judgement and Wrath. Therefore; our actions may very well sway God’s actions concerning America.

It appears to me that our leaders are shaking their puny fists at God like never before.

The Purple Unicorn and the Horns of the Devil:

If I heard right, and I am sure I did, there is a school district in America that are teaching young boys and girls that there really is not any such thing as boys and girls, that we are all just neutral beings. If this is true than how can there be transgender people? Don’t they have to identify with one sex or the other? I hear they use a purple unicorn to teach this diabolical rot to America’s children.

I believe that what we are now seeing could be based upon biblical teachings. Scripture tells us about every human condition that we can think of. Although many scriptures refer to specific past events, the concept of the scriptural application can be applied in various ways throughout time, especially when scripture is viewed with the various other warnings about the evil that men possess in their hearts and what will lead them to destruction. We are no longer just sinners in America, we have become a Sin Nation. We are now embracing ideas and concepts that not only defy spiritual purity and wisdom, but basic common sense as well. We are in a state of intellectual decay and it is accelerating.

A scripture of the past mirrors men’s modern actions of the day: AND NOW NOTHING WILL BE RESTRAINED FROM THEM WHICH THEY HAVE IMAGINED TO DO (Genesis 11:6).

What are people imagining today?

Purple unicorns and legalized child abuse to name just one perverse concept.

So, when you are restrained that means that something is holding you back. Perhaps morality restrains you? Perhaps you are restrained by position and prestige. Perhaps these things keep you somewhat honest, somewhat focused, somewhat under control?

It also works this way with God. If a nation embraces sin, God can release the restraints within our minds, turning our minds into a reprobate center composed of irrational thoughts, which in turn, lead to an acceleration of horrid actions that result in the creation of things like purple unicorns that are used as the symbols for insane educational curriculum’s. The verse above illustrates magnificently, what is happening in our misguided Nation.

Is this the Year of God? That’s up to God. Is it going to be a Year of Judgement and Wrath for our Nation or a path leading to such, or will God bless us and heal our Nation? That is up to us. Our actions will often cause God to act in one way or the other.

Yes, it’s the Year of God; because God owns them all, and we will all soon see just how much God owns our days, months and years. So sit down, grab a seat, and continue to watch evil acceleration or national repentance. God is standing by.

God Bless America,

Mark Damon