God’s Ark of Safety Part 1: The Election Storm.

I want to start this sermon by saying that I am not a minister, but for this election I must act in the capacity of one, because too many ministers are sitting on their lukewarm hands. I must preach this message. I feel like I am called to do so. I feel I am unworthy, because like you, I am a sinner. I told my Aunt once that I felt I was not good enough to preach a message, and she told me, that if I waited until I was good enough that I would never preach one. My Aunt was right.

Let me start with a Prayer to our heavenly Father: Dear God in heaven, you said if we repent of our sins that you will heal our nation, and I Lord, bring all of my sins before you and ask forgiveness. Forgive me Lord, in advance, for any harsh words I use against my neighbors. Know that, I am trying to open the eyes of the people, I pray that with the Power of Your Holy Spirit, I may accomplish this, and I pray that your word and the spirit of truth will be magnified. Please dispel the darkness almighty God, so that the millions of people that may be deceived by either sin or either demonic suppression or oppression, will awake from their slumber. I ask these things and do so humbly, in Jesus name, amen.

Some People were accusing Donald Trump of drumming up possible future violence, based on the fact that he claimed that the coming election was rigged, but Donald Trump’s proclamation is nothing compared to what America will likely soon experience. We are in a time when evil has been unleashed, it has, shall we say, been unrestrained. The government is not the only actor in the acceleration of this evil to be sure, for we are all responsible for it, but the government may have cut the restraints of the great evil to come.This evil is a biblical condition brought about by our government’s own embrace of sin.The Supreme Court has taken upon itself the position of moral arbiter, instead of Constitutional interpreter. When the Supreme Court decided that Gay Marriage was equal to the marriage of a man and woman, they may have endangered our national Security. That’s right, I said our national security. America was founded on religious liberty and a word covenant with God, now, I know that concept is frequently disputed of course, but it is disputed in vain, because God defines the final interpretation, and I believe he is defining it now.

This is not a sermon about gay marriage, I don’t care how anyone lives their life. I am a sinner just like any other man and woman, and in fact, God is all about free will. We come to Christ freely or we reject him freely, it’s up to us. To further illustrate this belief, let me give you my first scripture pertaining to my message. “He that is unjust, let him be unjust still, and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still, and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still, and he that is holy, let him be holy still” (Revelation 22:11 KJV). We all have free will. To God, Homosexuality is sin, pure and simple. God does not change. To God, Gay Marriage is not only sin, but a clear abomination (Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13). God does not change. To God, I believe, that not only is homosexuality a sin and an abomination as is declared in his word, but it is a mocking of a holy covenant that he himself established for men and women, the holy union of marriage (Malachi 2:14 KJV).

The Supreme Court recently ruled that gay marriage is a constitutional right, and this is what now threatens our national security. Radio commentator Michael Medved made the statement on his national show that gay marriage is settled law. He added that the world did not end. However, what Michael Medved does not understand is that God judges sin, especially the sin of nations. When the Supreme Court ruled in favor of gay marriage, I believe our mighty government MOCKED the God of the universe. It is not a safe thing to mock God. Again, heterosexuals are subject to God’s judgement just as much as homosexuals for relations that do not line up with God’s word, and that ignore his warnings of judgement. The difference in the two though, is that the Supreme Court could rule a hundred times that traditional marriage is constitutional and God would not flinch. Marriage between a man and woman is God’s original covenant for us, but homosexuality is condemned by God. Also, the sin that men and women commit with relations outside of marriage is an individual sin with God, the Supreme Court cannot or will not, make it the nation’s sin, but that is just what the Supreme Court has done with gay marriage. It is now America’s sin, not the sin of millions of individuals, but of a collective mandate! This opens us up to Judgement.

Commentator Michael Medved went on to say something else in response to a caller. The caller was talking about the longevity of nations and how America is at about that time for a fall. Michael Medved acknowledged his point, but told the caller that he felt that America was different because America was blessed by God. This is a popular pop-culture statement, and I believe it is true, that we were blessed by God, but as we are blessed by God, we can be judged by God when we lose our way. The judgement does not have to be administered directly by God, but can be allowed by God, or either accelerated by God under the concept of cutting the restraints on men’s own evil. Consider the next scripture: – – – And now nothing will be restrained from them that they have imagined to do (Genesis 11:6 KJV). This refers to the building of the Tower of Babel, but the meaning is just as relevant in our day. This verse is really quite easy to understand. It’s like this: If man adopts evil calling it good, and rejects the HOLY WORD OF GOD, then God can remove the protection he provides from temptations and the desires of our own evil hearts, and allow evil to run unabated, until it spins completely out of control. A less severe example would be when a parent or parents allow a child to move full steam ahead into a bad decision to learn an important life lesson. Unfortunately, God’s lessons can be very powerful if we roll full ahead into sin.

Later, I will touch on the world of various deceptions that we in America and the world, are being bombarded with on a daily basis. The types and the enormous amount of deception we are exposed to is staggering. One example I offer now is what I just presented in Genesis 11:6. In an interpretation given by a Bible that is not original King James, the verse above is totally perverted, changing the entire meaning completely, and ironically, reducing the meaning of the text to babel itself. The verse in this Bible deletes imagined and restrained from the text, very powerful words that have specific and precise meanings.These words are not accidental in that they reveal the character of unrestrained sin and the imagined greatness and pride that men possess. The original interpreted text, shows not just a confusing of languages, but how God will act in response to these sins.To change this meaning through modern interpretation, is to initiate yet another great deception, one that subtracts from the evil of sin included in the original translation!

Today, we are at this place. I believe God has released or has begun to release the restraints of our temptations and our evil hearts. We have embraced immorality and called it marriage equality. We have mocked a Covenant established by God. We are therefore accelerating into even greater perversion and evil. We are teaching our kids that the meaning of boys and girls is a moot point. We are pushing an idea that biological sex no longer exists, and that the concept of imagined gender is more important than reality. We now are endangering America’s women by pushing for the allowance of men into the private women’s restrooms of America. AND NOW NOTHING WILL BE RESTRAINED FROM THEM WHICH THEY HAVE IMAGINED TO DO! The restraints are off, we have welcomed evil to breakfast! The invitations to lunch and dinner are just around the corner.

Evil continues to accelerate in America I believe, because our leaders have finally done it, they’ve mocked God!

Michael Medved, your right, Gay Marriage is settled law, and God’s going to settle it!

Mr. Medved, you address millions of people with your program each week, and I want you to know. Whether you are saved or not, or whether you are going to heaven or not, I don’t know, but you will answer to God for the deception and rotten fruit you are producing to the tune of the millions of souls, that you may be damning to hell for you cavalier attitudes and casual proclamations regarding sin! You are a leader like it or not sir, and millions respect and adhere to your every word. You don’t have to be a rabbi, a priest or evangelist to deceive people, you just have to tell them a lie or pitch deception and throw it in their way. One more thing, even your legal view is incorrect. The Supreme Court often reverses decisions, so your shout out, that gay marriage is settled law is also secular error, as much as it is a biblical one. You are directing people to a moral finite, and it is anything but such, and I believe that people that do this, will answer to God, either at the Judgement Seat of Christ (if you are saved) or The Great White Throne Judgement (if you are lost).

You will be called to account!!

An Election is coming- – – Let’s look at what the candidates believe:

I am not picking on radio commentator Michael Medved, believe me, I’m not. There is much more to come. I intend to expose the vipers that are deceiving millions of people, as well as the self deceived, who are deceiving others in their own blind ignorance. Stay with me, this is part one of a long series!

Michael Medved and his position on USA Today’s Board of Contributors:

So, what did so-called conservative Michael Medved contribute to USA Today this past week? He pointed out, that the nation’s most influential conservative commentator expressed his desire to see Obama fail. Medved also wrote that Obama and Clinton had been victims of the same tone, as if to say, that such attacks do not pave the way to progress in Washington. Medved wrote that the chants shouted to lock Hillary up were ugly. Mr. Medved, I now would like to address ugliness: Ugliness is teaching our children that biological sexual identity does not exists. Ugliness is trying to destroy our First and Second Amendments to the Constitution. Ugliness is publicly threatening a Nuclear Super Power in order to excuse or cover-up the criminal activity in your e-mails. Ugliness is spewing dangerous rhetoric out of your mouth, a rhetoric that I believe has led to more than the usual, the murders of American Police Officers! Ugliness is attacking the integrity of the FBI to protect your out-of-control candidate for President! Ugliness is promoting ape to human evolution, telling our children that after this world there’s nothing else, teaching diversity in our public schools and suppressing the greatness of America, while creating soulless little monsters that kill their classmates, their parents and random strangers! Ugliness is trying to disarm the American people through gun control after these same Godless people have created the killers they tell us that need to be controlled. Ugliness is saying you did not like The Heller Decision (The right to keep and bear arms) because you want to protect toddlers, when the decision had nothing to do with protecting children! The decision was in regards to being able to keep a handgun in your home for self defense! Hillary Clinton is Queen of the liars! Ugliness is begging for The Gay Vote, while bringing in Refugees from like nations that punish homosexuality by murdering them! Don’t talk to me about ugliness Michael Medved!

Don’t do it sir! You are standing on indefensible moral ground sir! The ground your standing on is immoral!

Ugliness is the defense of partial birth abortion, a horrible act of medical murder that Hillary Clinton supports. The baby nearly delivered, is stopped, just long enough to collapse the skull by inserting scissors into the rear of the head! This is the Pinnacle of ugliness Mr. Medved! I called your show one time and said abortion was a Holocaust, you disagreed. I wonder what God would call it?

Ugliness is telling women you are the party of women and children when you are trying to disarm America’s women so that they cannot protect their children. Ugliness is telling women you are the party of women when you are bringing in, and plan to bring in, thousands of Syrian Refugees, while multiple Isis operatives are hiding among them, just waiting to murder American men and women. This does not include the fact that many non-Isis operatives hiding among the refugees, view women as property and feel they can rape them at will as they did in a city in Germany, and in other nations. Ugliness is telling the American people that you are just trying to save the oppressed and the little children, when the majority of refugees are clearly Muslim , non-christian adults, many of them virile men, ready to rape what they feel is their property.

Are there good people among the refugees? You bet there are, but there is no way that anyone can tell the good from the bad in most cases, because we do not know them or what they believe.

Mr. Medved, ugliness is nearly the entire progressive platform that both Obama and Clinton want for this nation. Ugliness is an agenda that completely destroys our American roots and foundation. Ugliness is a famous Jewish man who does not recognize the threat these people pose to Christian and Jewish worship and safety, and the famous cry of never again! Rush Limbaugh, that’s you influential commentator, said he hoped that Obama would fail because of the progressive policies that he would follow. Rush Limbaugh was right, not ugly.

Medved ends his USA Today article with what he calls should be a fresh approach for GOP leaders. He thinks that they should work with and not against a Clinton Administration.

I hope that republican leaders, if they keep the Senate and Clinton wins this election, hamper her progressive rot and every turn, starting with her left wing nomination of Supreme Court Justice!

 Mr. Medved, I have not read your book, but it’s called right turns is it not? It appears to me though, that your still making far more left turns, than right.

Before I move on, I heard an exchange on Medved’s show in this past week. A woman called in to tell Michael that she thought Donald Trump was too dangerous to be President because of what he might say to world leaders. The woman said that Trump shoots from the hip. There was more conversation, but on the point of the woman’s concern, Medved said that he tended to agree with her.

He should have followed this up this call with the fact that former Secretary Clinton has been berating Russian leaders for several weeks concerning the hacking of her unflattering e-mails! Now, if you are going to agree with a caller on Trump’s temperament, you might want to point out that publicly berating a Super Nuclear Power might be a tad bit risky Michael!

This is what we get though, from a lot of these radio wizards, a bit of deception here and there, and an  audience that is captivated by the snake oil salesman. I have heard people call Medved and praise him for his Superior intelligence as a radio host, and my head begins shaking, because I am not deceived. This is such an incredible problem in America, and the world, and this why I intend to preach on this in another part of this sermon, in an attempt to wake as many people up as possible.

Still, although Medved has criticized both Clinton and Trump, he tends to plant seeds that deceive his listeners. He says that they both have poor economic plans, but that Trump’s is even worse. He then points out that the negatives of the candidates, are not as important as their plans for education etc, etc, etc. The problem with this perspective, is that it deceives his audience. Trump and Clinton are not even close to a moral equivalent, and I believe that Clinton represents a national party that is beginning to embrace total criminality. Donald Trump may be rough around the edges, but Clinton will cut us to the quick!

Here’s what really matters between the candidates, despite Hillary’s clear defiance of the law as it applies to her:

Donald Trump says he supports the Second Amendment to the Constitution and will defend it. Hillary Clinton has displayed contempt for the Second Amendment and then lies about supporting it. Hillary supports:

  1. A ban of many semi-automatic firearms.
  2. Overturning The Heller Decision (all about owning a handgun in your home for self defense).
  3. Consider implementation of Australian type gun confiscation.
  4. Secret Government Ban Lists.
  5. Allow Frivolous Lawsuits Against Gun Makers For The Acts of Criminals.

Donald Trump supports strict controls on ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, but Hillary Clinton clearly believes in an open border policy. Hillary Clinton clearly supports this idea to thwart the will of the people through future elections.

Donald Trump is for banning the wave of Syrian Refugees that both Obama and Clinton support bringing into this country in droves, despite a proven fact, that Isis operatives hide among these groups. On one hand Hillary wants to restrict the rights of Americans from owning all types of firearms, while allowing groups into the country that hate gays, infidels, and Americans in general!

This is lunacy!

Donald Trump thinks that the grizzly procedure called partial birth abortion should be banned, while Hillary Clinton lies about what it is, and knowing what it really is, fully supports it.

Michael Medved says the world did not end with the Supreme Court’s decision on gay marriage, despite the fact that people like Hillary are trying to push for an imagined right that biological men should be allowed to spend some time in women’s restrooms across America, while teaching boys and girls in other parts of America. that the concept of boys and girls does not exist.

No Medved!, the world has not yet ended, we’re just breaking some eggs and following the recipe for it!

Donald Trump says he supports Supreme Court Justices that will uphold the Second Amendment and the Constitution, Hillary Clinton wants to accelerate evil among us by promoting this Marriage equality bunk, and giving us more and more perversions like invading women’s restrooms with men, and filling our children’s little minds with absolute nonsense!

Donald Trump tells African Americans what do you have to lose, what has the democratic party done for you, while Hillary Clinton and President Obama breed anger, resentment, and suspicion between America’s Police Officers and the Black community, all for a lousy stinking vote!

In the meantime their dangerous rhetoric has escalated the murder of innocent Police Officers across America.

President Obama, Hillary Clinton, you will answer to God, for your willingness and attempt to destroy the authority of our fine men and women Police officers across this nation, and for the rhetoric that has placed them in harms way above the norm!!

You will be called to account by GOD!

This is deception, and people like Michael Medved are promoting this with the rotten fruit of their mouths!

And he will be called to account by God!

There is no moral equivalent to these two people Mr. Medved, and now I opinion-ate as to your intellectual validity sir.

Scripture defines your double-mindedness, as follows:

“Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools”(Romans 1:22 KJV)

And if that does not offer my opinion well enough try this one:

“Because thou sayest, I am Rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing, and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked” (Revelation 3:17 KJV)

Mr. Medved, one more thing sir. You know as well as I do, that Obama and Clinton’s Iran deal was a dishonor and clear and present danger to ISRAEL.

We can add the dishonor awarded Israel to our list of possible judgements from God, as the following scripture suggests:

“And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee, and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed” (Genesis 12:3 KJV).

It would seem Michael, that you, with your lukewarm rhetoric, have uplifted those that add danger to the term Never Again!!

All of you hypocrites, deceivers and haters of truth, part two of this message is coming! I won’t forget you, for You are destroying my country!

I am not a cheerleader for Donald Trump, but he is the only choice that may stall the obvious acceleration of evil in this nation!

Christians, Conservatives, Jews, African Americans and People who love Freedom:

I want to serve notice to Christians, for those of you who are really Christians and not just C.I.N.O. So, you can’t vote for Trump? Too rough for you? Don’t like the things he has said? After all, America’s destiny is in God’s hands right? You’re gonna sit this one out? God will deal with any bad things Hillary does right? It is a good thing that many of the people God charged in the Bible to bring about God’s will was not like today’s modern Christians, or America might never have existed!

You will be called to account!! Yea, I’m taling to Christians!

Get off your hands! Quit sitting on them and go to the polls to vote! America is under the control of Oppressive demons and demons of suppression, get out and dispel the darkness as best you can! Show God, that the redeemed of the Lord Jesus Christ will stand up! When you return from that voting booth pray for Donald Trump and your nation. Ask God, to pour out his spirit upon all flesh! God may not need anyone’s help, but that does not mean he won’t honor those that stand against evil!! Do it!!

We must drive the evil aback before the it’s aggressive foothold ends this republic!!

You will be called to account!! You will be called to account!! You will be called to account!!

No pleading the fifth, no I don’t recall, no excuses, God does not play the political left’s PC games. No race cards, no gay cards, no gender cards, only life or death. Your choice!

If you really are a Christian you will answer to Christ at his Judgement seat and if you are a lukewarm Christian, you may very well answer at the White Throne Judgement of God instead!

Lake of fire anyone? It’s real. You will spend eternity there, or in the presence of your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Vote, Pray, get ready to get on the Ark Christian!

Here, let me give you some scriptures to think about!

“So then, because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out my mouth (Revelation 3:16 KJV)


Your hands are getting numb! Quit sitting on them! Get on fire for God! Vote away this evil threat!! Stop practicing your lukewarm Christianity!

Remember, all of us collectively, after you vote, pray, because God’s word says:

“And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and you old men shall dream dreams” (Acts 2″17 KJV)

I am telling all of you the truth! Evil is accelerating and it’s not done with us! There is a storm coming! Whether we drive that storm away for awhile is up to us! The Election Storm is around the corner. If you vote for evil, you are going to get it! consider this scripture:

“Be not deceived, God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man Soweth, that he shall also reap” (Galatians 6:7 KJV)

Come on people, quit making excuses for standing up. You are lucky that there are no lions dens for Christians yet in this country, and only mild persecution. You had better stand up while the grace of God is still protecting you, because although we are not appointed to God’s Wrath (1 Thessalonians 5:9) we are subject to the evils of man’s persecution and inhumanity. You have a chance to roll back the tide of persecution with Donald Trump, and you better do it, or face a continual unquenchable evil.

To my African American Friends:

Have you not been played long enough by the democratic party? You are very important to them and you want to know how? You are a vote. Clearly, Hillary calls you names behind your back. What has this party done for you in the last several decades? Donald Trump is right when he says what do you have to lose in voting for him? What do you have to lose in the next four years, other than more false promises from liars like Hillary Clinton? Embrace the Word of God and do not be deceived!

I want to serve notice to my Black friends. There are no Black Churches in Heaven, just hearts full of the light of Jesus Christ! We are all one in glory! Don’t support evil! Vote against it and we will drive evil back as one people, and show this demonic democratic leadership what real diversity looks like! Examine your beliefs my friends, and see if they match-up, to what is happening in the party that has taken you for granted!!

You will be called to account Black America! You will be called to account!!

There will be no skin color politics before God. No mention of Jim Crow or The abomination of slavery. Just a plethora of books, and they will be opened! Will you be at the Judgement seat of Christ or God’s White Throne Judgement?

Where will you stand before God Black America?

Stand with me against evil and follow the instructions above!! Then, get ready to- – –

Get on the Ark! Get on the Ark! Get on the Ark!

Your ticket on the Ark is waiting in Romans chapter 10, verses 9 and 10!!

Join me in love, and real diversity!

To the Republicans and Conservatives that have decided to aid in the Acceleration of Evil:

You will be called to account!, called to account, called to account!

Let me tell you high and mighty conservatives and republicans something. You think it’s always going to be business as usual don’t you? It’s always going to be one good ole GOP club right? You all will sail through four years of Hillary and get your next shot right? The problem with that belief is that The American People are so sick of your cowardliness, that they can barely stand to look at you. Not only that, You think Hillary is going to stand by and let her life ambition be undone by a House full of cowards? No sir! She will eat your lunch! She will start with bringing in as many democratic voters from Mexico and as many other countries as possible. She will make border security sound like an archaic racist term used before the Civil War. Her open border policy will cut your chances to reach the Presidency forevermore! She will load the courts with more progressive judges until every law in America is meaningless, and the Supreme Court? You may hold off her nominations for awhile, but make no mistake about it, you will give in like the proven cowards that you are, and poof!, America is a vague memory.

You will then one day stand before God and be called to account for your immoral and abominable position, all for prestige and status, money and power!

But it may not take that long for you.

You may lose your great Power and Money before standing before God. You may fall victim like the rest of us, to the acceleration of evil. Here’s what may happen to the republican leaders that have embraced this demonic suppression.

“And the fruits that your soul lusted after are departed from you, and all things which were dainty and goodly are departed from you, and you shall find them no more at all” (Revelation 18:14 KJV)

You see, when you Mock God Mr. Republican, you don’t just lose your soul, you end up losing the goodies you sold your soul for.

And Republicans, you will be called to account!

I hear that Glenn Beck finds himself in a troubling position. I heard that he was saying that he was not voting for Trump, but instead, thought that Hillary would be the moral choice because of the dangers that Trump might bring to the White House. In my humble opinion, I feel I know what Mr. Beck’s problem is. It’s his religion. Religion deceives. Religion without the truth ends up taking us to a dead end road. Mormonism leads to that dead end. Counterfeit Christianity ends up betraying the user, either in this life or the next.

Hillary is more than just someone that seems to embrace criminality and progressive ideology. In my well observed opinion she has a dark spirit. Only the truth of God can reveal those things. Religion is one of the most damning things in this current world system. Satan controls most religions. Think about it. Millions and Millions of people embrace some type of religion, but the truth is, as in many areas of life there is one genuine and a host of counterfeits. Counterfeit religions kill, steal and destroy, just like the father of those religions, Satan.

Counterfeit religions are either bathed in demonic suppression or demonic oppression, pick your other worldly poison! All roads do not lead to God, one road does, and scripture describes that road clearly:

13: “Enter ye in at the strait gate, for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat. 14: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it” (Matthew 7:13-14 KJV)

My purpose here is not to knock religions, life styles or anything else. I am simply showing how we are accelerating into evil by mocking God, forgetting who we were as a people, and by embracing various deceptions.

I could go on and on and on, but I will save it for the next message.

In the days of Noah God brought onto the earth a great flood for the following reason:

“And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually”(Genesis 6:5 KJV)

It’s no stretch to say that billions of people are aware of the account of the flood in the Bible and why God destroyed the earth, but how many have been taught that a parallel time is coming?

Scripture warns us of this time with this verse:

“But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be”(Matthew 24:37 KJV)

I believe we are in the birth pangs of a day akin to Noah’s day, and unlike Michael Medved, who tells millions of his listeners that America was blessed by God, and so the crumbling of America won’t follow the path of other empires, I know that God has a precedent for not only judging other nations, or in the case of Noah’s day, the whole world, but that God also allows evil to chastise people, like in the case pertaining to the tower of babel.

I believe America is facing God’s judgement either directly, or by administering judgement through the Tower of Babel precedent. Meaning, that God’s holy influence in regards to the workings of this nation has either been lifted, or God has turned loose of evil’s restraints. In either case, we are now drowning in our own immoral muck.

And if you think you’ve seen it all America, think again. If you think you’ve experienced a sea change and age of enlightenment, think again. If you think it will be okay now and it could not possibly get any worse, think again. Evil is still accelerating, because America has forgotten the Founders word Covenant with God. Do you realize, that it was Christian influence that started a movement to free American slaves. What great movement will free us all from our sin?

I can tell you with certainty, that it won’t be Hillary Clinton’s demonic progressive platform!

I hope America votes against criminality tomorrow, and against perversion, disarmament and accelerating evil, but if America does not, then I have a suggestion and a comment for the two camps in America.

One camp is the Christian or the believer, and one is the unbeliever, and the deceived, and the pop-culture intellectuals, and the secular Conservatives, and brain dead leftists, and so on and so on. To the Christians or anyone that wants a ticket to the coming Ark. You can get your ticket by going to Romans Chapter 10, verses 9 and 10. Follow the directions of those verses and then, get ready to get on the Ark ,

Get on the Ark! Get on the Ark! It won’t be sailing in any lake, river ocean or sea, because this Ark, is the Ark of Jesus Christ and the Rapture of the Church! God does not appoint believers unto Wrath, only that of man’s persecution. So, get your tickets and join other believers for a journey out of this fallen world.

I am not promising we won’t have persecution or bad times until Christ appears, far from it, but God promises eternal life for believers when all the smoke has cleared.

And for the other people that reject the Ark as in the days of Noah?

I would suggest that you vote for Donald Trump the sinner, a sinner like all of us, because if you vote for the radical progressive, the flaunt the law authoritarian, you may be asking for An Election Storm. A Super Accelerating evil will be all of our rewards, it’s just that when the smoke clears, some of us, will be on the Ark, and some will not.

That’s the difference, and my suggestion for the 2016 Election.

Dear Lord in Heaven, I hope I have melted someone’s heart with this message, and dispelled the black death of deception upon this nation. I can’t do alone Lord. Please God, heal America, and raise up, Great Men and Women of exceptional courage and backbone, I pray in Jesus name, Amen.

President Obama, Hillary, I cannot Judge your faiths, but the fruit does not look good. Evil is accelerating and it will affect us all, no exceptions. Won’t you embrace the truth and examine Romans chapter 10 verses 9 and 10? I will pray that the Holy Spirit touch you both and that he reveals the hard truth, about the Storm of evil we have yet to face.

God bless America again, we need it so very badly.

Mark Damon