Black Magic Democrats

Hillary Clinton, following her victory in New York, continues to bite and claw her way to the presidency, I just hope who ever may be her opponent, has a set Continue Reading

A Tribute to Martin Luther King Jr: Has King’s Dream become a Nightmare?

Martin Luther King presented his “I have a dream speech”, on August 28, 1963. I was not there, but I have read the speech. It was not only a good Continue Reading

Answering Donald Trump!

This past week, in the Wall Street Journal, Donald Trump authored an article entitled: Let Me Ask America a Question. Since I am a citizen of America, I will be Continue Reading

Calling all Parents and Respectable Businesses: Do You Know What LEO (Louisville Eccentric Observer) is Teaching your Children?

I made it clear from the moment I started this blog that I am a sinner. That confession is right there in my Foundations page. My life could actually cause Continue Reading

Is USATodaySoWhite?

The only groups in America that can be criticized, lampooned, lambasted, and even threatened, are Conservatives, Christians, Republicans, and all white people, unless of course the white people are dedicated Continue Reading


The attributes of a hero are often courage, honesty, courtesy and charity. The foundation that is Kirsten Powers new book, reveals all of those characteristics. I don’t believe that every Continue Reading